
Showing posts from May, 2017

Article on positive learning in the classroom

                     My children are really g rown up    !!!                                                                                            On Thursday morning I never thought of any enlightenment would take place in my precious life. But it happened at 12 science class. As an English teacher I went there and had tete at first with them. At that time I grabbed a chance of taking feedback as well as their expectations by asking following two questions   1)       What change do you think that the teacher needs to do it? 2)       What expectations do you keep from the teacher?                                                             Then miracle took place and the aspirants exploded their perception candidly. It was a sign of their growing up and they have come up to that level which could be expected by the society.                                   At first some of them hesitantly replied ‘NO’ but very soon they were ready and thought that they would s


  A SHINING STAR AT VNG                                                                        As a star shines in the sky so our kaka too in the society. Kaka means dear, near and real to the people of not only Surat but also Gujarat. Govind kaka comes from very simple family and a remote village of Amareli, Gujarat. Despite of no formal education he succeeded in his life venture because he always believes that the God is behind of everything. He all the time says, “What happened is good and something good will take place” and “I am nothing, but I can do anything.”   From these words we draw conclusion that he seems to be a mentor, a life coach, an orator, a guide, a well wisher and a good human being to others.                                             He is a simple in living but functions in high thinking. He channelizes his ideas in his business, social work and educational work. He doesn’t have a degree or qualification but he speaks at everywhere as if he is highl

Suspense of the meeting !

                                                      Suspense of the meeting!                                                                      By Haridas                                                                                                    Looking out and thinking of something, he was in deep thought and always applied his thought in a system. He was a new to Godhani School, but an experience seemed to be an old. Again he took seat and browsed some websites and tried to search a website which would be useful to the school. Because he was appointed as an administrator four month ago. The management hoped that he would bring a drastic change to an old yearly system. After taking a charge he felt to unable for changing it and looked for some way out.                    “Bhavesh sir, may I come in sir?’   Someone asked    for permission. He regained from his deep thought and said,                                ‘Yes, please come in,’ that man was a clerk.