Online classes- old wine in a new bottle.
Online classes became like old wine in a new bottle. As it replaced the teacher’s statement and real class with a newly invented one. They are in the following. 1. Earlier, the teachers used to speak in the class, “Keep quiet or be silent, otherwise stand outside. Now it is such as, ‘mute your mic or don’t scribble on the screen. Otherwise, I will block you or mute all of you. 2. Earlier, the teachers used to instruct, “Complete your notebook and show it immediately to me.” Now, something changes such as, “Write your questions and answers and share the document with me on my WhatsApp or make a video of your homework and share it with me on WhatsApp.” 3. Earlier, the teachers used to say, “Look at the blackboard or textbook. Now it is such as, ‘Keep your video on and look at me and show me your face.” 4. Earlier, the teachers used to take attendance by calling the name. But it is a new way as ...