
Showing posts from August, 2017

On freedom

                                    On freedom                                                             Freedom is a word that it consumes a lot of thinking. It is needed to study deeply and seriously. It cannot be understood easily. At first the person should free from pr-occupations and observes his surrounding closely. It means that he observes his day to day to day activities very closely. Obviously he enjoys it and has a free mind. Then it can be said that he is capable to have freedom. Automatically he becomes intelligent. Next he tries to understand his family atmosphere, social atmosphere and educational atmosphere etc. At that time he is appeared to be a man of freedom. Otherwise, he is just like independent. There are many people who are independent, but few are free.                              The person who never tries to become someone or something. At that time he is able to be free. Otherwise, every person likes to become like someone. For that education sy

My Perspective on V.N.Godhani school

                                     The Perspective on V.N.Godhani school                                   By Haridas patil                                    1)     A place of not independence ,but freedom. It frees the learners from all preconceptions and ushers them in the direction of self-realization. In the end they to be self. It is above all dogmas. So it is a hub of true and genuine humanmaking. 2)     V.N.Godhani means a shrine of spiritual in not religion ,but manmaking. It offers different path of learning such as life skills and art of living. Its ultimate goal is to enable the learners to face the life fearlessly and courageouly. 3)     A quiet ,peace of mind and exchange of feeling are inculcated not only for pupils,but also for the whole school. It always believes in making self-made man. So listening to others, respect to others and understanding to others can be observed at the school.

An innovative way for teachers !!

                                       An innovative way for teachers!!                                                     By Haridas                                                                        Recording classroom teaching is a good way for teachers, principal and management. It is self -learning method. In which the teacher is himself or she try to correct the mistake or error as well as classroom language. It is actually system and it should be followed consciously. At first the teacher keeps a mobile in his or her pocket and records his or her teaching on any particular day. Also he or she does same things for a week until he or she doesn’t see any improvement in the profession. Later on he or she can share it with others such as principal and management. Then that teacher will listen to it and try to figure out what happened in his or her class. That teacher does reflection with listening to it. Even principal or management will go through it and give advice as we

A Reflective Teacher!!!!!!!!!

                             A  Reflective teacher!                                                       By Haridas                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Keeping a journal and writing in it is a journey of good as well as reflective learning. It is a full of emotion and thought. It is a journey from within. It starts with thought and ends with insight. It always inculcates lot of things into not only teacher’s life, but also the students with many changes.  These are clear communication, clear thought, full of ideas, innovation in application and creativity in the class etc. it always changes the mindset of the teachers and gives a lot of new ideas. That can give an insight to them. Over all it is good and innovative method. The teachers ca