My Perspective on V.N.Godhani school


                     The Perspective on V.N.Godhani school
                                  By Haridas patil
1)    A place of not independence ,but freedom. It frees the learners from all preconceptions and ushers them in the direction of self-realization. In the end they to be self. It is above all dogmas. So it is a hub of true and genuine humanmaking.

2)    V.N.Godhani means a shrine of spiritual in not religion ,but manmaking. It offers different path of learning such as life skills and art of living. Its ultimate goal is to enable the learners to face the life fearlessly and courageouly.

3)    A quiet ,peace of mind and exchange of feeling are inculcated not only for pupils,but also for the whole school. It always believes in making self-made man. So listening to others, respect to others and understanding to others can be observed at the school.


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