
Showing posts from November, 2021

The importance of public speaking

    What is the importance of public speaking? Ans: - Public speaking means ‘speak in public.’ It may be at the gathering or social function, school assembly. There are several benefits to those who are public speakers or practising it. Let us see them one by one.  1.   Career:- Public speaking helps you in your career. It helps you at the interview for leaving your best impression on the interviewer. Further, public speaking makes you the leader in your field and college. So as you can stand up for the people and society. Nowadays, public speaking is required in every field. That’s why it helps the person to make his career better.  2.   Social connections: - Public speaking increases your social connections. As you speak at the gathering or social function, the people start recognising you and take your help in their fields. Further, they start appreciating you every time. In this way, you can increase your social connections.  3.   Thinking development: - You start thinking

A new initiative for my students

  A new initiative for my students As soon as the offline classes started, I sensed a health problem in most of my students, who were interested in eating outside junk or oily food. All the time, I was running after them not to eat. But they started avoiding me and refused me. Over time, I was worried about their habits and health. After lots of thought, I concluded that I had to take some steps for their eating habits. So, one day I just asked the class to have lunch with me the following day during recess. For that, they had to bring homemade food. Surprisingly, not all of them except one student joined me. However, I didn’t give it up but continued it with that student the following day. It resulted in bringing half of the class joining me in my mission. Then, the entire class joined me and enjoyed homemade food. We all began offering food to one another. Further, most of them showed their tiffin boxes, and they said that their mother had prepared them for me. In a short time, it

Life is a short

  Life is a short Once, the judge asked the man, “Sir, do you want to fight the divorce case filed by your wife?” The man replied politely, “No sir” The judge questioned him, “Why don’t you want to fight it?” He said, “Sir, it is insignificant if I go for it and waste life. As life is so short, it is important to let others live and also me.” The judge thought for a while and asked him what job he did. The man said in a lower voice, “I am a teacher and teach the children.” The judge unknowingly stood up at his place and looked at him. People in the courtroom also stood at seeing the judge and threw their glace at that man. That day brought value and importance to the teacher. His words were written as golden letters. All of them saluted him and his thoughts.   Moral: Not waste your life and others. For, it is very short. By Haridas Patil (Blogger, Educator and Trainer)


Happiness is significant for all of us. It is a goal of everybody’s life. Because it influences every aspect of life. It helps us to learn better, live longer, enjoy every gift of life and feel contented. But it requires not a lot of high thinking and luxurious lifestyle but simple living and high thinking.   That’s why we all need to empty our minds before going to bed. It helps us to relax minds and hearts. Further, it is equally to focus upon the flow of thought and keep observation of the surrounding without reacting to them. So it is simple for all of us to get happiness and live a better life.

Words 'Sorry and forgive' can do a miracle!

Words 'Sorry and forgive' can do a miracle!   Today, I began my session at my class for college students after Diwali vacation differently. On seeing them, I sensed that something was missing not only in their life but also mine. So, I questioned all of them about how they were feeling. The first of them responded to me that he was feeling stressed. The second student said that he was not able to focus on his goal. Third replied that he was not interested in doing anything. The rest of the class also shared the same. After listening to them attentively, I assigned a task to them, "You have to make a list of the people whom you hurt or insulted. Also, write their names and relations. After making a list, you have to say sorry and ask for forgiveness." Consequently, they started with difficulty, but slowly they felt relieved and became happy. I observed it on seeing in the words and body language. In the end, they understood the value of sorry and forgiveness.

You can become happy when you come to know about your weakness by yourself.

  You can become happy when you come to know about your weakness by yourself. Further, you will start doing the following acts. -        You stop complaining. -        You give up regretting behaviour. -        You become an action taker. -        You try to make yourself independent in life and your career. -        You begin visualizing your bright future. -        Most importantly, you become not only a hard worker but also passionate. -        You face criticism boldly and keep your learning alive. So, let’s find out our weaknesses in life and our career!   By Haridas Patil (Blogger, Educator and Trainer)  

Life is like instant coffee!

  Life is like instant coffee!   During this Diwali, I received a call from one of the unknown parents for spoken English practice. He made just an inquiry for his son, who was supposed to go for foreign and further higher studies. At first, I asked him about his son and school. He responded to me that he was 12 passed from English medium school. Therefore, I thought for a while and immediately pointed out that he didn't need to practise speaking English because of the English medium student. But the father told me that his son didn’t speak English well.   Therefore, he wanted his son to get lots of English practice before going to foreign education. At least, it would help him. After that, I reacted at him over his opinion. Further, I said, “If your son doesn’t learn to speak English well in 12 years, how can he learn it within a month?” He kept quiet and requested me to do it anyhow for his son higher studies. I turned down and disconnected his call angrily. But I rea

Auto-rickshaw driver and his honesty

  Auto-rickshaw driver and his honesty One fine morning, an auto-rickshaw driver, who was in torn clad and scattered hair, collided the auto into a car due to some technical problem of his auto-rickshaw. The driver started searching for the car owner. But he could not find him, even asking people nearby. So he was waiting for one and a half hours at that place. Then, the car driver came and got shocked at the car accident. After meeting the auto Wala, he immediately called his master and reported the whole incident. The master called his driver and the auto driver at his factory office. But he was surprised by the auto driver’s character and honesty as he was waiting for the driver after hitting the car. In life and the world, it was seen and observed that the people liked running away after hitting others and vehicles on the road. But that man seemed to be a man of value and principles. Therefore the car owner was eager to see him. As soon as they both reached the factory and ca