
Showing posts from September, 2017

small activities for foresight dreams

ACTIVITIES FOR FORESIGHT THE DREAM :- 1) Students will write their dreams in a paper . Then teacher will mix these papers and other will read that. Then they will guess whose dreams is it. In this way everybody will come to know about other’s dreams. It will help them to conceptualize their dreams 2) Teacher will assign the students write the diary for a week . They will complete it and try to find the possibilities of becoming what they can have bright future after reading each other’s the diary. Even they will have open discussion and they will come to know automatically about their dreams.                         3) This is a mime activity for the students. In this one student takes a slip and mimes the things which lead to a future action. At that time others will try to guess what is about to happen. And try to get as near as possible to the text of the ...

An ideas fund for school part -2

                               AN IDEAS FUND FOR THE SCHOOL - PART 2 1) Every teacher stands from school gate to the classes of the students in a row. They will greet the students with smiling and welcome them. Even the teachers can wish them with their name. This will give them the importance and a sense of value. It sets a positive mood for all. 2)  School can keep the system of no ego, no ill thought and bad words.  If such things arise from students as well as teachers. Then they will go to that person about whom they have ill thought and share their feeling wit others. They also write the feelings and acknowledge them. They will automatically clean their mind and have space for new learning. In this way they can keep the healthy relations with one another. This boosts the productive in the school. 3) School can keep ‘an assisting box’ at the main gate of the school. In which the studen...

An ideas fund for school

An Idea fund for school                                                           By Haridas patil 1)       There should be separate zone; it can be called as ‘MAKE MOOD’. There the students have to go and think for some time. At that time they need to write about why they come to school. Even they think over what makes them to be happy and good. These things can help them to get back to studies. This zone prepares them to realize their duties. 2)       School can keep a rose boy or girl for a week. It means that teachers select a student from total strength. That student should have his or her positive qualities and prove himself or herself as an ideal s...