An ideas fund for school

An Idea fund for school
                                                       By Haridas patil
1)      There should be separate zone; it can be called as ‘MAKE MOOD’. There the students have to go and think for some time. At that time they need to write about why they come to school. Even they think over what makes them to be happy and good. These things can help them to get back to studies. This zone prepares them to realize their duties.

2)      School can keep a rose boy or girl for a week. It means that teachers select a student from total strength. That student should have his or her positive qualities and prove himself or herself as an ideal student. For that every teacher needs to observe all students. After that they can report to either coordinators or supervisor. In this way school can keep a rose boy or girl day. It will bring the positivity among the students.
3)      Every teacher of school prepares a profile. In which he or she writes good as well as positive qualities of each student with photo. Every week the teacher has to go through it. It helps them to be positive about the students all the time. This way surely becomes a productive learning for all.
4)      School can keep a suggestion as well as feedback box at every class. The class may be from 5 to 12 standards. In which the students can drop their difficulties and doubts. Later on or in a month it can be opened and read out these difficulties before whole class. Then the respective teacher needs to discuss with the class. It should be like joint family, in which they can prepare rules and regulations for the class and themselves. It can turn out to be trustworthy place for everyone. It can create a feeling of trust, love and support etc.  There will be much more for the class.
5)       School can keep a small library at each class. It consists of old books, magazines and moral books etc. it will be handled by a particular boy or girl. He or she will keep a notebook and work as a librarian for the class. It helps to enhance the reading habit.
6)      Either on every Saturday or any Saturday, an educated parents to be invited at school. They will guide the students. They will become judge of the particular programme. They may be motivational speaker for the students. It can give a chance for some parents to develop good feeling for school. In better way they will have good rapport with teachers and principals.
7)       Teachers and school can make a detailed plan of their day to day activities and teaching in advance. Then it will be uploaded on the website and on the notice board. The detailed plan must be consisted of the following points;
A)     Name of the chapter or programme:
B)      Duration  :
C)      Used resources: T.L.M., Reference materials, PPT and Newspapers etc.
D)      Objectives : i) long term and ii) short term
E)        Steps or process: 1) preparation
                                  2) Presentation
                                  3) Conclusion
                       F) Outcome: as expected
                       H) Instructions:
                       I) Home assignment:
8)      The respective class teacher can call to parents on mobile of his or her class. He or she will inform them about how the child is learning positively. Even he or she can ask them about difficulties the child may be facing at home. This can be done in a month. It makes to bridge the gap between the teachers and the parents. This will turn out to be good relation and positive understanding for both of them.
9)      School should develop a notice board on every floor where the student’s drawing; poem and creative work can be highlighted with signature of the principal and also remark to be given positively. This activity will be changed within 15 days. It means that old things to be replaced with new one.
10)   In school, every teacher can maintain a personal diary. He or she will write their observations and feeling about the students as well as the class. It helps the teacher to be positive and self-motivated. Automatically it helps to increase the learning productive.
11)   Teacher can visit to the student’s home during exam time. They will go to home and motivate the student. This way they will create the belief factor for the students. It reduces the stress and tension of both. It surely boosts the confidence of the students.  
12)   School can make a case study of the students who just passed out from school. That case study will be put on notice board as well as website. It will be consisted of the photo, achievement and hobbies. Even the message can be drawn from them. Definitely it can inspire the present students to keep high aim and try to achieve it.
13)     Every day the teachers of school select any two students of particular class. They will ask these two students about their studies, day to day activities and family well being. it means  that they converse with the students  generally. It can bring positive and trust between them.
14)   School can keep a bell at entrance of school during parents meeting. It is in sake of bringing positive feeling among the parents. Those who think that they are very happy with school. Then they ring that bell loudly while going out. It spreads positive as well as satisfactory feeling among the parents
15)   School can keep an intensive training for new parents whose kids get an admission at school. It should be for three days. It gives an introduction of school, its system and rules etc.  These parents will be associated with the system of school.
16)   School can set up training and development centre for the parents as well as the students. In which communication skill, soft skill and parenting skill are to be introduced. Through these training the parents become grown up and think in line of school. It should be desirable not mandatory.
17)   School can keep a presentation day for each student on any day. They present PPT on any chapter of particular subject. On that day they will have PPT of their interesting lesson in front of the class for 25 to 30 minutes. In end some students will ask the questions to the presentater. In this way the students will have creative thinking and rational mind. Then they will submit their reports to the teacher.
18)   School can keep a volunteer exam for the students. It means that each student makes an exam paper of given subject. Then they submit it to the subject teacher or class teacher. After that the teacher can choose any paper out of these papers and give the students for writing, but the students will have to check their classmates’ paper. After checking, they will point out the mistake or error with underline. In this way they will come to know their own mistakes and try to correct it quickly. This way productive learning will be enhanced and learning will become easy task.


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