Empower the students !

                                     Empower the students !!!
                                               Empower the students, is easily expressed by every one of us. But it needs to be studied  a careful illustration and analysis. In a short, it is about to give the confidence and the strength. But the questions to be cropped up in the mind. How and why?  May be some of us state that it is remarkably easy and simple. And it seems to be a common thing. They think that they can bring the empowerment in the learners’ lives by telling motivational stories, positive sentences and the examples of successful people etc. Here we make ourselves wrong. Actually these are good examples and intensely worth listening. But it actually doesn’t work in the lives of the learners. It doesn’t provide a practical application. It seems to be a talk on spiritual or motivational. It gives a story or anecdote. So it is very essential to be shared in the next paragraph. What does empower mean? How does it happen? At last why does it happen? What consequence does it bring in the lives of us?
                                     In recent week, I extended my help to primary classes and started teaching. One day I took 7th standard and I was taking their introduction as well as an aim. So every body told the name and the aim. They were called on the stage one by one and shared his or her aim. But at a time I asked them why they selected a particular goal and to be achieved. Every one dived into deep thought and tried to reply, but some of them were not ready to justify their stand. I tried to take them in deep level of thinking. They even faced unknown things to express their views. It happened in front of the whole class. They were just stuck and not found clear way of their chosen aim. Simultaneously it happened that everyone at least came to realize the purpose of their aim. Some of them said well and still wanted to study in proper manner.
                                                      In this way, they were empowered and got realization of their own power. That day they went through that hard task. In the end, they felt gratified and looked forward to having their clear goal and to be achieved. That whole period boosted their confidence and strength. Here neither motivational talks nor examples were given, but simply asked them on the court why they wanted to achieve that goal. Why they thought of that goal to be good? Why did they think that the aim was really worth achieving? By asking such questions I extracted their thinking power and drove them at their vision.

                                           That’s why we as teachers can bring the empowerment in the students. Even we can make ourselves to be empowered by asking why we are teaching the students. Why are we teaching the particular topic? All these questions make us to visualize a clear picture of our life and career. In better way, we can reach to the aim. I hope that the word ‘empower’ is understood!    


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