Life - a game of thought and action

                              Life – a game of thought and action
Life is defined by various thinkers differently. It is also perceived differently by all of us. Commonly some of us have a clear thinking of it and some of other has unclear views over it. But it is surely depended upon human mind and his action. The mind collects the facts, then turns it into thought and comes out it as action. It is openly pointed out by well known spiritual leader saint Gautama Buddha,
              “What we think that we can become”
                                  It is purely truthful that the thought plays a great role in shaping our life. Everyday what we see around, we perceive the same. Slowly we have the same action and the outcome can be as what our thought as well as perception. It is a great point to take every purpose into our thought process. We should have the reason of everything. That needs to be a clear, concise and precise etc. At every level the objectives are a vital role in bringing happiness, the result and satisfaction etc. Hence we as human beings must have the clear purpose of the action. Otherwise the life always plays the game of football. It kicks us at any point and we become the ball or the puppet of it. Automatically the mind gathers a lot of excuses and reasons. Slowly and gradually we become the man of negative, complaining and excusing.
                                 That’s why the clear purpose is an essential to play its role in drawing our best in daily routine. For that we need to go beyond our routine in the thought, the action and the perception etc. It is very simple to ask ‘the why ‘question to self.
            Why this happened with me? Why do I have such situation? At least our life will have the clear vision. Then automatically we become what we feed our mind. These are the thought, the purpose and the perception. It is a slow process. It does not happen the overnight. No one can build the Rome in a day. It is indeed conscious method and a way of living.                       
                                           At least we can hope to bring a good, simple and satisfactory life as soon as we start the life that way.  


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