Stuck in the life ? - a way of constructive learning

It happened that I was at 11th science for my last two periods. I was about to start my lesson ‘The Browning Version’ written by Terence Rattigan. As I am always keen to take activity for the lesson. Then I explain it. So this time also I keep two questions in front of the students. These are in following
1)      What type of teacher do you require in the class?
2)      What do you think of teacher will think about types of the students required in the class?
              These are the based on the lesson, so I asked them one by one. Some of them replied that the teacher should be good by nature and knowledge. Many of them exclaimed that he must be humorous towards the teaching the topic. Further I shot at one of them about the second question. he said , “ there must be creativity in the primary classes” immediately I again asked , “ how can we bring the creativity in this classes”  he responded , “ by different activities he can bring there”, again put the question , what types of activities do you think that he should figure out in the class”. He stopped for some time, but I kept asking some different questions to him. He kept thinking and replied me.  Somewhere he was stuck and totally stopped. At a time I found that he was learning about the thinking skill and the way of applying it. After that I explained that whenever we were stuck either in the life or activity, at a time we would learn many things of that activity. Then it can help us to cope with any types of difficult. So it is good to be stuck in the life or studies, definitely we will have some constructive learning.
             My students became happy and satisfied with me and pointed out that I must keep it up.  May be you think whether it is good or not, but believe me whenever you are stuck, certainly there may be some positive learning for you.


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