Improvisation course for the young learners.

In this course, the learners and the teachers will become the creative as well as the innovative. Nowadays these are somewhat missing from the school and the daily routine. Even the school system keeps the mechanical learning and creates the students who are lack of thinking, observation, enthusiasm, innovative, and positive attitude. That’s why they feel the stress, pressure, and depressed. They are not seen the passionate and the challengers. Ultimate we people either blame the education or the schools and its teachers. But we as teachers need to observe whether they are passionate or not in day to day life. Even we have to notice about their interest and hobbies. In daily life, they are not happy to study and seen that they take tension while studying. So this project will enable them to become the passionate after 21 days and engage them in creative work at the school and home. Automatically it makes them interested, happy, and challengers. Only we have to take care of 21 days for the project.
It comes under the name of ‘Improvisation course’. It has a hallmark for the teachers as ‘We are change makers’. There are 21 activities for the learners and the teachers which are to be carried out by the group of the teachers at one time. They will devote only 15 to 20 minutes for everyday’s activity without a gap. Then the activity of this course will prepare the learners to apply thinking ability, imagination, creative ideas, and innovative approach. Further it makes them happy and the passionate towards the life learning. Totally it is beneficial for all of us.
The activities of this project will be for 21 days and bring the change in the student’s behavior. The team of it will introduce the different activity and task in the front of the class. Slowly and gradually not only the students but also the teachers become habituated with creativity and innovative aspect of learning. For it brings full of creative task for them. It only requires to be maintained regularly and properly. The following are the activities to be done in the class with clear instruction
1)      Task: write a paragraph on why do we come to school? Take 20 minutes for writing.
2)      Task: what will we learn today? Five points to be written and 15 minutes for the thinking
3)      Task: keep a chart paper and circle around the given word such as ‘vegetable’ or any word. They will have to write the vocabulary related it and avoid the repetition. 20 minutes to be allotted.       
4)      Task: write the news for the school on the base of the school activities or happening. 15 minutes for this task.
5)      Task : they will speak the following sentences three times loudly
A)    I am very creative and innovative student.
B)    I am doing my best things now.
C)    I see the positive things everywhere.
6)      Task: ask them to note down one idea for the school or society. They will take 15 minutes and drop their ideas into the box under the name ‘Idea grabber’.  
7)      Task: this is ‘think and speak’ activity. They will be given some time over ‘what did I observe yesterday while attending or coming the school. They will have to speak five sentences before the class.
8)      Task: they will have to make a list of six people whom they respect. On that day they have to say a big thanks to them. It may be parents, teachers, relatives or anyone.
9)      Task: assign them about what did they learn at school yesterday. A small paragraph to be written and 15 minutes for the task.
10)  Task: they will be given the following problem and ask them to find out the solution. They will just note down the points as the solution. Then submit it to the teacher.
A)    One of your classmates talks very loudly and does not let others participate in class discussions. Discuss the problem. What advice you would give her or him?
B)    Many of your classmates do not bring their books to class and disturb others during class. Discuss with your partner why they behave in this way and what can be done to resolve the problem.
C)    Take any situation for this.
11)  Task: ask them ‘How will they celebrate the life if they are given the second chance for living it? They will take 10 minutes for thinking and do whatever they feel. May be they will dance, jump, sing a song or anything.
12)   Task: they will write a short poem on ‘My mother’. Afterward they will have to stick it at the kitchen with the mother’s photo.
13)  Task: they will have to write a letter to self and post at the post office. 15 minutes to be given.
14)  Task: find out five good and positive things of their surroundings. Then they will share with the classmates. It is group activity and 15 minutes to be allotted.
15)  Task: they will prepare the advertising for self and try to sell their talents or skills. They will use the chart paper for the task and 15 minutes to be given.
16)  Task: they will have to note down five important points for the discipline and drop them into the box. The best one will receive the gift and timing of this task  is 15 minutes.
17)  Task: they will have to sit quietly for 15 minutes and just think of how their life will be after ten years. They will think and visualize it.
18)  Task: they will note down the tag line for their class and give it to the class teachers. Then it will be kept on the class notice board.
19)   They will have to think of their reply differently to the person who asks, “How are you?”
20)   Task: ask or assign them ‘who will they devote their precious time and why?’ they will have to think and share with their class mates. Take 15 minutes.
21)  Task: they will have to solve the following Sudoku within 20 minutes.
 Circle as many words about cooking as you can find. Then write them in the spaces below. Words are written right to left and up to down.
B  O  I  L  Y  S
A  P  F W  C A
K E  J  E  H  U
E L  H K  O  C
S T  I  R   P  E

ASSIGNMENT: They will have to submit 10 different activities for next ten days and the best one will get the gift.
  In the conclusion, it can be observed that the students will get habituated with creative life. They become thoughtful, innovative in their task, passionate, and interested. For, this course enables them to be like that in daily life. Somewhat they start taking interest in such task and that is overall benefit.


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