Vice versa!

                          At village school, there was a team of inspection to visit. So they were taking a round of the school. But the management planned and tried to manage it.
                         The inspector and team were on around. They visited each class and asked every teacher about the students as well as their development. At that time the management explained it to the team. Simultaneously the teacher also spoke.
                              In this way, they seemed to be happy. They were in the last class visit. There a newly appointed teacher joined last week. He was teaching and also beating some of the students. As soon as the team reached there, the whole class was quiet and attentive.
                                      The inspector and his team greeted the class. Then he questioned the teacher how the class was going on. At first, he was perplexed and said nothing. He somewhat looked confused. However one of the team members again interrogated him what the lesson was being taught by and how his students were responding. On the contrary, the whole class didn’t get what was happening and why the outsiders were asking about them. Consequently, they kept silent.
                                The class teacher looked here and there, exclaimed, “Sir, that boy who is sitting in the last row. He doesn’t understand anything. He is just stone and doesn’t respond to me.”
The inspector looked at that boy and replied, “Oh! That’s!”
                             Again, the class teacher blurted out, “so what should I do? I beat him a number of times, but he is still like a stone.”
                                    All of them became surprised and said nothing. But one of the management members came forward and shot back to him, “Dear teacher, it’s your job to make him understand. Otherwise, he would come to your place and make you understand. Is it clear to you sir?”
                                         The teacher nodded instead of telling anything. The inspector and his team looked satisfied with the answer given by the school management.
                                       All went away happily, but the school got a lesson. That was very valuable for them.  


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