We are taught......................!

We are taught..............!

We are taught to blame others without realizing the fact,

We are taught to react to others without keeping patient,

We are taught to give up easily without doing the efforts,

We are taught to think negative without giving a thought to positive,

We are taught to call self as good and generous without understanding these words,

We are taught to enter somebody’s personal life without taking permission,

We are taught to motivate others without having self-motivations,

We are taught to understand others without listening to them,

We are taught to expect 100% without giving all attention to it,

We are taught to celebrate the days without knowing the actual meaning of it,

We are taught to use the words freely without getting their value and meaning,

We are taught many things without seeing their consequence in the future,

We are taught to keep patient without practising it at large,

We are taught to insult others without having any rights,

We are taught all these things without designing the proper framework for life,

All these are taught at school, home and society………!


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