Few ideas for school marketing and development.

  The ideas for school marketing and development are below.

1.    Door to door marketing.

2.    Drawing and rhyme competition for little children at the society. 

3.    Group meeting with few parents and highlighting the features of the school and future planning before them.

4.    School parents to be interviewed and post it on YouTube and social media.

5.    Start a monthly newsletter for the parents.

6.    Letter to parents from the school management and show gratitude to them. 

7.    Several competitions and life skill training for parents.

8.    Ask feedback and suggestions to parents.

9.    Phone call the parents and share our positive observation about their children with them in a month. 

10.Visit home during an annual exam and show our concern towards the children and their future. 

11.Update about school on social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn and others.




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