Report Writing


Report writing

Points to be remembered for writing the report.

1)  Use of the simple past tense

2)  No paragraph

3)  Title to be given

4)  Mention the name by whom the report writing

Q 1) Write a report on the programme of the student held by an English teacher and submit it to the librarian and the principal.

                Leadership lessons for the students

                               By Haridas Patil

Much awaited programme for the students by an English teacher was held at the class on 30 July 2021. It was aimed at making the students leaders. So, it was handled by the entire class after clear instruction by the teacher. It began with welcoming to the guests and judges. Then, the anchor invited the judges to preside over it. As soon as it was finished, she called the first participant to deliver the speech. After that, all participants finished their turns. Finally, the judges came to end to declare the results and all the winners were presented a gift hamper by the class. It was a nice session for all. Some of them shared their feedback before a camera. In this way, all understood the learning of leadership skills.


 Haridas Patil (6353973624)

( Blogger, Educator and Trainer)

Autography English Institute, Surat

1) Spoken English for everyone

2) Cursive Handwriting course for everyone 

3) Content Writing course

4) Speak N Grow ( A leadership Programme)


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