Sharing my thoughts and feelings with my students

 Dear students

Happy greetings!

Today, I feel to want to share my thoughts with you all. Because it is important for me and you to know about life and career. On the day of farewell, you were at the school campus and expressed your feelings with your teachers. You were seen happy, excited and emotional while meeting and taking a round of the campus. As you appear for final examinations and about to enter the college. But this is a journey of ups and down in your life. So, you need to be careful of your thoughts, attitude and nature. Because it will influence all over personality and career. That’s why you are requested to start applying your thoughts and creativity at every level.

Don’t worry about what had happened in the past and happening now, but you still have numerous potential, talents and the lord’s blessing. Therefore, you can go ahead with your whole efforts for your bright career. That makes not only your family and parents but also the teachers happy and satisfied.

              I have seen you all good-natured, busy and hardworking, so keep it all the time.  Further, I like to appreciate you all for that. I know your hardworking will bring a good amount of results in your life and career.

By the way, I expect your reply here and like to keep my communication alive with you all. I feel that my students will do whatever they have. I know we all miss one another. But we have to move ahead in life and try to achieve what are expectations from every corner of life. 

Best of luck to you all, and God bless you.

Only, yours

Haridas Patil




  1. Thank you sir for your beautiful blessing for us🙏

  2. Thank you so much sir .. for motivating us ...😊

  3. Thank you sir for guiding us and motivating us...
    And for blessing us always... ☺

    1. Surely I am here to help you and bless you all....


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