Something about me.

In past, I believed in most of people, some of them deceived me in some other way or any ather way. So, I didn't look back but I feel that I am ahead of them to some extent.

      But now I believe in others blindly and unquestionably. Because I have developed Belief factor in me. That helps me all the time.

When I remembered earlier days of my life, so I immediately sensed something about my reaction part which was firm in my life. That’s why, I suffered at some extent. Now I keep quite whenever somebody Blames or find fault with me. 

Further, I smile at me and think of forgiving them and automatically my mind starts to pray for them and their wellbeing. I don't argue with them but listen to them attentively. 

So. I am keen at learning life and keeping happiness.

By Haridas Patil 



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