Mental stuffs!
Mental stuffs!
Since 25 February I have been doing nothing related to
my work and preparation. I feel just passing and roaming here and there. Apart from that, I feel weak and negative
about myself. I think that I have to stop my job and run away somewhere. Even I
sense carrying some kind of mental burden which is full of negative emotion. So,
I feel fatigued and irresponsible towards my life. Earlier I was very positive
but not now.
I don’t want to work hard and creative. I fail doing
what I had been doing before that. I try to change these but next moment or
hour I feel incapable or dejected. I think that I have been dishonest with
myself and my duties. I am surrounded with negativity and difficulties.
Why has this been taking place in my life? How was I trapped
into a net of procrastination? What factors are holding back me from heading
ahead? Why am I interested in wasting my precious time? I ask myself why? Is there
any specific reasons? Further, how did I become lazy and passive towards my positive
life? Why am I not following my ethics?
Let me collect energy and positivity, and go ahead. Let
me become focused up my life skills and duties. This is my strict warning that I
have to wake up and start working hard. It’s wake up call to me before it’s too
much late in my life.
I must start my mission mentally and physically. Anyhow,
I choose it and willingly adhere to it. I know God is with me all the time.
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