Life is about your authenticity and integrity

Dear friends
                 We were doing the marketing for school admission in the area of Limbayat Mithi khadi on 30/04/2019, Tuesday. We came across a small pond of dirty water in the street of Nurani Nagar, Mithi khadi, Limbayat.  We could not cross it due to smell and stagnant water. In spite of this, we were quite surprised at how the people lived. I asked many people of that street why they hadn’t complained to the municipal corporation. Some of them reported that they had done it. But they would have the same situation after the drainage department cleaned it temporarily. They failed to bring a permanent solution for it. However, we came to realise that these residential people were habituated with such life. Even the local leader, municipal officers, and the educated people didn’t take such things seriously.
                             Everybody thinks for his own purpose and never realise the agony of others. Surrounding schools never see it either an opportunity or syllabus for their students. At least these schools should come forward and awake the people for cleanliness. They can go forward one step ahead by taking initiative. Further, they can share an action plan with these people on how they work together for it. Once the people awake to their duties, definitely they can do such work authentically. But who will do these? And everybody is busy either clicking the pics of such scene or commenting on social media.
                                      However, the local leaders also not keep these issues before elected people. They just throw dirt upon others in front of these area people and ignorant people. They keep thinking that they get some support. Everybody knows that we are totally responsible for everything, but nobody is ready to accept it boldly. Otherwise, most of the people can take the initiative of such work instead of accusing, shouting, spreading rumour, and commenting upon.
                                                             I think that the education sector needs to train not only the young students but also the elders about authenticity as well as integrity. Today most of the problems are due to lack of these. Further, highly educated people also don’t show any good character. Though they have degrees, yet they miss a valuable part of the character. That is authenticity and integrity. Let me hope that I will take some initiative in that direction. For that pic of dirty water disturbed a lot to me.


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