
Showing posts from May, 2020

A Great Purpose

A Great Purpose                           It is said that when one door closes for you, a hundred doors will open for you. Maybe I was correct to say it. Recently I was without a job, further money pressure mounted upon me. I was surrounded by lots of mental issues and felt that I was having no way out of that. Even I was not able to sleep in the nights and a cloud of thoughts hovered over me. Then everything seemed to me to be out of sight and put me in a dark.             But suddenly another perception appeared and told me that it was a just beginning of my golden career and drew more creativities out of me. That was to be writer, speaker, coach and guide. Still, I was unbelievable about these future roles which I would be sure to play.                   At that moment, I threw some questions for me and put me into reflections. Later on. it pointed out that I had skills of writing and it should be made regularly as a source of income and fame. Next, I had lots of experience of train

A young man in search of food.

   A young man in search of food.                            Nowadays we know that everyone is facing the problems of employment, finance and family issue. Sometimes we never realise the pathetic situation of others unless we see them struggling and facing life.                      The same story of a young man, I came across, who lived with his parents and sisters nearby my area. He lived on rent and worked at the factory. He was not highly educated but a hard worker. One day I saw him carrying a big tiffin box for bringing some food. I asked others why he carried the big tiffin box every morning and evening. They shared his life story. He was only one breadwinner of his family. Since Janta curfew, his factory had not been working and not giving money. Initially, he managed his family for 15 days but he came to know that the lockdown was going on for many months.                      So he every day went in search of food on the road and fed the family. At the same time, others kept

Our life curriculum

                                                                        Our life curriculum The speaker appeared on the stage and threw some questions before the collegian. He asked,  "Who keeps a personal diary and write anything before going to sleep? Please raise the hand"  Nobody raised and kept quiet. Again he threw another question,  " Who reads the newspaper and select some article for thinking by sticking them in the diary? Please stand up."  But nobody stood up and looked one another. Further, the speaker questioned last time,  " What do you do to develop your thinking, imagination, self-motivation, problem-solving, collection ideas, decision making, know strengths and creating future?"  All were speechless and started thinking of that question. Then he shared a large vision of Creating own curriculum. He said that once the student started writing anything in the beginning and made it a habit. He would turn out his life curriculum. Because he had

The faces

                                                             The faces Didn't know the faces earlier, but today they are known. They showed kindness, humbleness, honesty and goodness.  Now, these are suddenly out of sight. In the past, I was surrounded by for party, accompanying and entertaining.  Currently, I am pushed into loneliness by their strange behaviour.  I was happy and excited about them.  But I at that time look for them, and it is vain. The mind asks me a cause of these.  Still known and unknown faces do not turn up.  It asks 'Why',  and I keep my face, not others'.  Because I didn't know the faces, but today they are, authentically, exposed!    

A beautiful picture in the early morning.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             A beautiful picture in the early morning. Today, I saw a beautiful picture of society. Early morning I went to inquire at our shopkeeper about something. On the road, there was a family of four members. Perhaps they were going to their home town. But they were seen wearing masks as well as gloves with a distance of two meters between them. While walking towards the stop, they cared about one another. A daughter, who seemed to be educated, was instructing the parents and brother about safe walking. Simultaneously they responded her positively. They showed patience too while walking and listening. Even they didn't show a hurry when they were walking. As if they were mentally ready to fight Coronavirus. It was seen as an ideal example f

Case study on Corona virus positive patient.

                                                                              Case study on Corona positive patient.                      Three days ago the coronavirus infected boy was found in my area. Everyone was shocked to know it and started fearing. Everyone asked one another how it had happened. Because everyone was strictly at home and followed the lockdown properly. At that time I just inquired some of the people who lived nearby the infected man.                            The infected boy and his father were barbers by profession. Before lockdown, they both started calling their customers and convinced them about their service. Another interesting point was that they had a small bungalow type home and even some rooms were on rent. So they didn't have any financial issue. but greed was in their blood. As soon as the Janta curfew was imposed, they began their business of cutting hairs and massage. Further, they went to another's home and gave their service.