A complaining mindset!

  A complaining mindset!

Nowadays, I start blaming my life problems on my family, and relatives, especially my parents and brother. I don’t understand why I have been keeping such attitude and perception. I know that I happened for a good cause. Still, I keep myself lingering around these issues without any clarity. Because of this, I feel irritated and agonized about my situation. Except this, I raise questions about their responsibilities and duties. This is indeed the wrong way by me.

Further, I am unable to concentrate on my skills as well as my work. That’s why I feel tense about my future. I think that I deliberately keep a negative perception of my parents, brother and sisters. Consequently, my mind creates the same situations as I have the perception.

Along with these, I start reacting mentally. That is spoiling my mental state. To erase such a mindset, I have to pen down my duties and responsibilities. Then, I will be able to shift my focus from irritating to contented factors.

In the end, I am entirely responsible for my life and career. So, I have to give up my complaining mindset.


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