Not required forcefully , but softly !

Last week I came across two incidents in my life. These were first at school and latter at government school. on that day at first i was reading the newspaper and one of students of our school was writing something. By curiosity I asked him what he was writing. He replied me and I got very shocked why the teacher assigned such mechanical task. actually he was called on the stage while the assembly was going on. he was asked to tell the pledge in the front of the whole school.He didn't tell it properly.So one of the teachers assigned him for writing 15 times the pledge. At that time he was writing it 15 times in notebook. In fact he was doing it mechanically and not at all with interested. while writing it , he was looking here and there. From that scene I could say him that he was not going to learn it anymore.Instead of learning spontaneously he developed rotten learning.
                                                        Latter incident was like first one. On that day , I visited the government school at slum area along with my friend. As soon as we reached there , we heard that the teacher was punishing the students. They were also enjoying it happily and other students looked at them and got some kind of the entertainment. whole scene was not new for them , but for us it was like the fish was out of water and searching water in order to survive. When we called  my friends , who was working there ,asked him why that teacher punished those students. He mentioned that they were not interested in studies and very notorious in the class. Even he shared their stories about their living style, habits , culture , and language. They were doing an unexpected work in their day to day life. At a time I came to know that my friend as teacher became negative. He tried to change initially , but they didn't change. So my friend and his colleagues followed the system like the jail. Everyday the teachers punished and these students behaved like pessimist person who had not at all any purpose of living. We really felt sorry for that kind of education. 
                                           As we left that place. we both discussed it  and came know that the education to be given with introduction of the life skills. They do not want marksheet or marks , but skills which can enable them to live better life. They can get good job accordingly their skills. In fact they develop negative behaviour due to treatment of the teachers. Then we hear everyday about young people do unsocial work. So we as teachers need to be very careful as well as reflective in day to day teaching so that they can get benefits.
                                                                 I think that soft skills or life skills to be integrated with regular syllabus and get them to learn that and get better future as well as career. Our focus should be on behaviour not on marks. We need to understand their nature, habits, culture , likes , dislikes , and social condition. At least we come to know their background. Then we can create better future for them. It is not forcefully done , but softly.    


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