Report on an English week celebrations.

                 Report on an English week celebrations.
Date: 16/12/2019                                                                    Day: Monday
On this day the English week celebration was started with the announcement at the assembly. There the English coordinator announced the details of it. The same day we had a guest from Surat. He was Mr Prit Khandor who conducted a session on the creative mind. In which he introduced some games with the pupils and made them interested. He took it both sections of the school.   
The day brought creativity and innovation among the students. They started to give their names to respective teachers’ for the various competition of the celebration.
Date: 17/12/2019                                                               Day: Tuesday
On this day we had the poetry writing and recitation on a given theme. It was for their imaginative and creative aspects. We English teachers wanted them to use and present it properly. It was conducted after lunch.  Most of them took down well on the topics. Even the topics were easy to understand. Later on, they submitted their poems for the school magazine.
They took interest in this competition and proved their talents by presenting their poems. They recited it well. What objectives the English department kept poetry writing and recitation, the results were seen in their students’ performance.   
Date: 18/12/2019                                                            Day: Wednesday
On the third day of the celebration, we had a good public speaker from Mumbai. He came at 11 to school and began his session for both sections at the school auditorium. He conducted his session by raising questions and showed the demo of public speaking. He interacted well with the students. He finished his session at 12.35.
The day convinced the learners that the public speaking was a need of today. It seemed that they all started speaking with others and teachers. It was consequent of that session.
Date: 19/12/2019                                                                    Day: Thursday
The day was celebrated with the skits. It was arranged house- wise and after lunch. The teachers helped them for preparing the skits. It was kept to enhance their skills in speaking and presenting their ideas. They were good at this.
The winners were selected. It was very outcome day for all of us.
Date: 20/12/2019                                                                       Day: Friday
The storytelling was organized for both sections and they did it well. Even they wrote the stories and submitted for the school magazine. It was immensely creative and productive for the learners.
At noon session we had a guest from Valsad Ms Apeksha Nim Arjun. She began her session with a small activity. It was related to listening and hearing. It was quite interesting for all of us. Even we all involved in it and enjoyed it. She conducted it in the girls' section. She convinced the students the difference between listening and hearing.
Date: 21/12/2019                                                                       Day: Saturday
It was closing day for the department. On this day we organized the debate competition house-wise. The topics were thought-provoking for them. For 6 to 9 ‘ Is homework burden for the students’ and 10 to 12 ‘ Can Artificial Intelligence overpower Human Intelligence one day ?’
It was done after lunch and the students had great participation. They developed their skills and enjoyed it well.


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