The new Principal's introduction!

                      Recently, there was a meeting between the teachers and a newly appointed principal. It happened at the village school. Over there, the new principal was appointed and was on a school visit in advance. So, the management arranged a small meeting with the teachers and other staffs. They placed a notice on the board and informed all.
                Slowly and gradually, it spread like a flash of light. All became eager to know who was, from where he was, and what the name was. All gathered at the assembly hall.
                 Then one of the teachers began the meeting with a small prayer. After the prayer, he requested all to introduce themselves. It was done systemically and properly. As soon as they finished, the newly appointed principal was requested to introduce himself. At that time, all kept their eyes upon him and became attentive.
                                He came forward and greeted everyone. He showed a broad smile to all while speaking. He began his introduction differently. Instead of the name, he said,
                   “Dear teachers, I am a taskmaster, teacher-trainer, guide, helper, and motivator. I am also best feedback giver, well-disciplined and good human being.”   
            He thanked and took his seat slowly. Everyone became surprised about his introduction. Instead of the name, he shared his qualities. First time, that happened in the history of the school. In the end, there was a buzz of it among all of them. At that time, one of the management people retorted to the teachers,
          “What is in the name?” quoted by the well- known dramatist William Shakespeare.”
                     That day everyone got the value of the good qualities. They returned home with learning and smiling face. At last, the new principal changed every teacher’s perception of the illusion of name.    


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