Three close friends and their different success stories!

Three close friends and their different success stories!
                      There were three friends lived in a town. They were studying in the same class and close friends. But they were different in their studies and hobbies. Ajay was much focused on his studies and always got the first rank in the class. He was very clever in studies. He never wasted his time in any other works. So he was very busy in preparation for the studies. Over time, he secured admission in an engineering college and became a good engineer. Later, he got the government job as the engineer. Then he started to live his life happily with the family.
                       The second friend was Sanjay. He was not only focused on his studies but also active in sports. He always used to take part in the sport as well as other competitions. Somehow he used to pass with a lower grade. He didn’t get admission at reputed college but devoted his time in pursuing the state commission exams. After some years of struggling, he succeeded in the exam and got the government job as the collector. Slowly and gradually he settled down with the family.
                                      The third friend was Sanjay. He was not much interested in studies but competitions and social works. He failed at some class but passed out later on. He was very active in public movement and listen to the people. He faced lots of problems while doing the public work and somehow reached to graduation. But he was always ready to help the people and guide not only the youth but also all sections of the society. Over time, he got a reputation in society. He started to serve the people and solve their core issues. Sometimes he led the people’s movement and became a public figure.
                                 But the destiny was waiting for making him successful. Even the people from every corner liked him and recommended his name for their constituency leader. Then he fought an election and won it with good margins. Due to his popularity, he got the ministerial post and became a dashing minister.
                           By the time these three friends met at a big programme. The engineer was there for his duty and the collector was given the duty of managing the programme. At the same place, the minister presided over the programme.
              Three of them had a question of what happened to them. They studied the same school and how they got a different role as well as success in their life. But they understood that they followed different syllabus of life and career.
                First friend, Ajay followed the syllabus designed by others. He worked over it persistently and got the job.
               The second friend, Sanjay followed the syllabus of others and somewhat his own. Later on, he appeared for the exam designed by others and got success.
                    But third friend, Vijay not only designed his curriculum but also followed it rigorously. He tested himself over it and created his exam as well as ideas for success. He struggled throughout life to prove his syllabus. In that way, he became the public figure. He was demanded everywhere and secured his success.
                              Today, it is required for every student to design their curriculum, ideas, and exams. The world will listen to them. Otherwise, everybody follows the path of life blindly and later on find the fault with their life.


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