Change the voice

Active and Passive voice

Active--- Subject +verb +object

Passive --- Subject +third form of the verb+ by +object


1)         I like an apple

An apple is liked by me.

2)         She writes a letter.

A letter is written by her.

= simple present tense =

Active- subject +main verb +object

They read a book

Passive – subject +is/am/are+ 3 form of the verb+ by +object

A book is read by them

1)         She cooks dinner

Dinner is cooked by her

I - me

          We- us

          You- you

         He – him

          She – her

         They – them

Do you want a car?

Is a car wanted by you?

Does he speak French ?

Is French spoken by him?

Do they like an ice cream?

Is an ice cream liked by them?

 2)         Present continuous tense

Active- Subject+ is/am/are+ main verb+ ing+ object

I am eating samosa.

Passive- Subject +is/am/are +being +3 form of the verb +by +object

Samosa is being eaten by me.

You are playing cricket.

Cricket is being played by you

Are you reading a book?

Is a book being read by you?

Is she preparing test paper?

Is test paper being prepared by her?

Are you getting Gujarati?

Is Gujarati being got by you?

3)         Present perfect tense

Active – 

Subject+ have/has+V3+object

You have purchased a car.

Passive -  Subject + have/has+been+V3+by+object

A car has been purchased by you.

We have finished the science project.

The science project has been finished by us.

Have you done your work?

Has your work been done by you?

Has he liked Mumbai?

Has Mumbai been liked by him?

4)         Present perfect continuous tense

Active ---- passive – not 


Past tense

1)       Simple past tense

Active- subject+2nd form of the verb+ object

He liked a chair.

Passive- subject+ was/were+ 3 rd form of the verb+ by+ object

A chair was liked by him

Sheela wrote a book.

A book was written by Sheela.

Did you paint a picture?

Was a picture painted by you?

Did she cook lunch?

Was lunch cooked by her?

2)       Past continuous tense

Active- subject+was/were+main verb+ ing+ object

She was watching a match.

Passive- subject+ was/were+ being + 3 rd form of the verb + by + object

A match was being watched by her.

He was driving a car.

A car was being driven by him.

Were you returning money?

Was money being returned by you?

Was he reading a novel?

Was a novel being read by him?

3)       Past perfect tense

Active – subject+had + 3 rd form of the verb +obj

They had taken a loan

Passive- sub + had + been + 3rd form of the verb + by + object

A loan had been taken by them.

You had brought a notebook

A notebook had been brought by you

Had you met him?

Had he been met by you?

Had they bought a car?

Had a car been bought by them?

4)       Past perfect continuous tense

Active – passive

* Future tense*

1)       Simple future tense

Active – sub + shall/will+ main verb+ object

We will understand English

Passive – sub + will /shall + be + 3rd form of the verb+ by + obj

English will be understood by us.

I will drink milk.

Milk will be drunk by me.

She will keep her books.

Her books will be kept by her.

Will you take a bank passbook?

Will a bank passbook be taken by you?

Will she like a bungalow?

Will a bungalow be liked by her?

2)       Future perfect tense

Active- sub +will/shall + have + 3rd form of the verb + object

She will have cleaned the room.

Passive- sub+ w/s+ have+ been + 3rd form of the verb+ by + object

The room will have been cleaned by her.

You will have completed the work.

The work will have been completed by you.

Will you have kept a book?

Will a book have been kept by you?

Will she have prepared Punjabi food?

Will Punjabi food have been prepared by you?

 - Imperative sentence- 

Do this

Let this be done

Keep the book

Let the book be kept

Bring water

Let water be brought

Open the door

Let the door be opened.

You can lift the table.

The table can be lifted by you. 

Change the following active voice sentences into passive voice. Answers are given below:

 1       Birds build nests in the trees.

2       Birds built nests in the trees.

3       Birds will build nests in the trees.

4       Birds are building nests in the trees.

5       Birds were building nests in the trees.

6       Birds will be building nests in the trees.

7       Birds have built nests in the trees.

8       Birds had built nests in the trees.

9       Birds will have built nests in the trees.

10     Birds have been building nests in the trees.

11     Birds had been building nests in the trees.

12     Birds will have been building nests in the trees.

13     Birds do not build nests in the trees.

14     Birds did not build nests in the trees.

15     Birds will not build nests in the trees.

16     Birds are not building nests in the trees.

17     Birds were not building nests in the trees.

18     Birds will not be building nests in the trees.

19     Birds have not built nests in the trees.

20     Birds had not built nests in the trees.

21     Birds will not have built nests in the trees.

22     Birds have not been building nests in the trees.

23     Birds had not been building nests in the trees.

24     Birds will not have been building nests in the trees.

25     Do birds build nests in the trees ?

26     Did birds build nests in the trees ?

27     Will birds build nests in the trees ?

28     Are birds building nests in the trees ?

29     Were birds building nests in the trees ?

30     Will birds be building nests in the trees ?

31     Have birds built nests in the trees ?

32     Had birds built nests in the trees ?

33     Will birds have built nests in the trees ?

34     Have birds been building nests in the trees ?

35     Had birds been building nests in the trees ?

36     Will birds have been building nests in the trees ?

37     Do birds not build nests in the trees ?

38     Did birds not build nests in the trees ?

39     Will birds not build nests in the trees ?

40     Are birds not building nests in the trees ?

41     Were birds not building nests in the trees ?

42     Will birds not be building nests in the trees ?

43     Have birds not built nests in the trees ?

44     Had birds not built nests in the trees ?

45     Will birds not have built nests in the trees ?

46     Have birds not been building nests in the trees ?

47     Had birds not been building nests in the trees ?

48     Will birds not have been building nests in the trees ?

49     Who builds nests in the trees ?

50     Who built nests in the trees ?

51     Who will build nests in the trees ?

52     Who is building nests in the trees ?

53     Who was building nests in the trees ?

54     Who will be building nests in the trees ?

55     Who has built nests in the trees ?

56     Who had built nests in the trees ?

57     Who will have built nests in the trees ?

58     Who has been building nests in the trees ?

59     Who had been building nests in the trees ?


1   Nests are built in the trees by birds.

2   Nests were built in the trees by birds.

3   Nests will be built in the trees by birds.

4   Nests are being built in the trees by birds.

5   Nests were being built in the trees by birds.

6   Nests have been built in the trees by birds.

7   Nests had been built in the trees by birds.

8   Nests will have been built in the trees by birds.

9   Nests are not built in the trees by birds.

10   Nests were not built in the trees by birds.

11   Nests will not be built in the trees by birds.

12   Nests are not being built in the trees by birds.

13   Nests were not being built in the trees by birds.

14   Nests have not been built in the trees by birds.

15   Nests had not been built in the trees by birds.

16   Nests will not have been built in the trees by birds.

17   Are nests built in the trees by birds ?

18   Were nests built in the trees by birds ?

19   Will nests be built in the trees by birds ?

20   Are nests being built in the trees by birds ?

21   Were nests being built in the trees by birds ?

22   Have nests been built in the trees by birds ?

23   Had nests been built in the trees by birds ?

24   Will nests have been built in the trees by birds ?

25   Are nests not built in the trees by birds ?

26   Were nests not built in the trees by birds ?

27   Will nests not be built in the trees by birds ?

28   Are nests not being built in the trees by birds ?

29   Were nests not being built in the trees by birds ?

30   Have nests not been built in the trees by birds ?

31   Had nests not been built in the trees by birds ?

32   Will nests not have been built in the trees by birds ?

33   By whom are nests built in the trees ?

34   By whom were nests built in the trees ?

35   By whom will nests be built in the trees ?

36   By whom are nests being built in the trees ?

37   By whom were nests being built in the trees ?

38   By whom have nests been built in the trees ?

39   By whom had nests been built in the trees ?

40   By whom will nests have been built in the trees ?

41   By whom are nests not built in the trees ?

42   By whom were nests not built in the trees ?

43   By whom will nests not be built in the trees ?

44   By whom are nests not being built in the trees ?

45   By whom were nests not being built in the trees ?

46   By whom have nests not been built in the trees ?

47   By whom had nests not been built in the trees ?

48   By whom will nests not have been built in the trees ?

49   What is built in the trees by birds ?

50   What was built in the trees by birds ?

51   What will be built in the trees by birds ?

52   What is being built in the trees by birds ?

53   What was being built in the trees by birds ?

54   What has been built in the trees by birds ?

55   What had been built in the trees by birds ?

56   What will have been built in the trees by birds ?

57   What is not built in the trees by birds ?

58   What was not built in the trees by birds ?

59   What will not be built in the trees by birds ?


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