

Hoardings- Negative or Positive?

                 Sometime back, I was going to home tuition at some other area of the city. Seeing a huge hoarding put by the municipal corporation while going. It reads,                                

  “If you have a stomach problem, fatigue, headache, and cough. You need to check for the Coronavirus report.”

                  As soon as I read, felt doubtful that I had all these symptoms. Psychologically I came under pressure and stopped there. Then I called my family doctor. He talked with me and removed all my doubts. Further, I came across several hoardings on the way. I thought deeply about how these hoardings fell an impact on other beings.

                 Later on, I remembered a short story ‘Symptoms’ written by J K Jerome, in the story, he read the health and its symptoms book at the British Library. Similarly, he faced problems that I had doubted. 

Somehow I gathered my confidence and moved ahead.

But I had some questions,

Why did the authority put up such hoarding that makes others doubtful or negative?

Won’t they think something else instead of it, positively for others?

Didn’t they think that the general people come under pressure while reading these hoardings?

Any other alternative?

By Haridas Patil

(Blogger, Educator and Trainer)




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