Life is like instant coffee!

 Life is like instant coffee! 

During this Diwali, I received a call from one of the unknown parents for spoken English practice. He made just an inquiry for his son, who was supposed to go for foreign and further higher studies. At first, I asked him about his son and school. He responded to me that he was 12 passed from English medium school. Therefore, I thought for a while and immediately pointed out that he didn't need to practise speaking English because of the English medium student. But the father told me that his son didn’t speak English well.  Therefore, he wanted his son to get lots of English practice before going to foreign education. At least, it would help him.

After that, I reacted at him over his opinion. Further, I said,

“If your son doesn’t learn to speak English well in 12 years, how can he learn it within a month?”

He kept quiet and requested me to do it anyhow for his son higher studies.

I turned down and disconnected his call angrily.

But I realised my mistake about an instant response. As he was looking for an instant result like instant coffee or photocopy out of Xerox machine. 

Even I was no exception to that. We both were in the mood for the instant result as father was for the son, and I was for responding hurriedly to him. On both sides, the maturity was missing but had hurry and instant reaction.

But it is said.

“Hurry makes worry.

No hurry, No worry."

Lastly, I remembered lines of The Indian poet Nissim Ezekiel,

"Slow movement seems to say much more."

In life, everyone is running after instant results and money.

Consequently, the hurry or instant attitude brings lots of tension, stress, confusion, unclear thinking, irritation, regret and negativity.

Interestingly, I made a list of incidents where I had a hurry or instant attitude. It became a longer one. I sensed it in my words and body language. Then I started regretting it, but it had already been late.

My mind popped out,

 "Practice makes a man perfect."

I realised my blunder that the phone caller and his son weren't required speaking practice, but I needed it.

 By Haridas Patil

(Blogger, Educator and Trainer)








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