Life is a short

 Life is a short

Once, the judge asked the man,

“Sir, do you want to fight the divorce case filed by your wife?”

The man replied politely,

“No sir”

The judge questioned him,

“Why don’t you want to fight it?”

He said,

“Sir, it is insignificant if I go for it and waste life. As life is so short, it is important to let others live and also me.”

The judge thought for a while and asked him what job he did.

The man said in a lower voice,

“I am a teacher and teach the children.”

The judge unknowingly stood up at his place and looked at him. People in the courtroom also stood at seeing the judge and threw their glace at that man.

That day brought value and importance to the teacher. His words were written as golden letters. All of them saluted him and his thoughts.

 Moral: Not waste your life and others. For, it is very short.

By Haridas Patil

(Blogger, Educator and Trainer)


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