Be focused

                  Be focused in life and career

  Once, a student from a triable area got admission to a well-known college in the city.  On his first day, he observed something different. He didn’t like it, and became very sad about his decision and decided to cancel the admission. That’s why he went to the principal’s office and shared his thoughts with him. At first, the principal asked him to have a seat. He questioned the student,

“Why do you want to cancel your admission?”

He replied, “Sir, I don’t like the atmosphere of the college.

 If I stay here, I will be a spoilt one.”

The principal asked by looking at him,

“What did you see here? How will you become spoilt?”

He said, “The students of this college make fun of me,

even they laugh at and criticise me. They use bad words. So, I think that I will waste my valuable life and time here.”

The principal said, “So, you want to cancel your admission.”

“Yeah, sir”

After a while, the principal suggested to him that he would assign some task to him, and he had to complete it before leaving the college. He immediately accepted it and happily went away.

The following day, the student came early to the principal’s office and asked for the assignment. The principal put a glass of full water on his palm and spoke,

“Dear, you have to take a round of the college while carrying this glass of water on your palm without spilling it.

Be careful while going to every corner of the college. Not allowed to spill it. Come to my office after completing the round”

The student happily began his task without delay. After half an hour, he got back to the office and showed the principal the full glass of water. He didn’t spill it. The principal looked at him and his smiling face and shot some questions at him

“Did you listen to any criticism and negativity?”

He replied that he had seen nothing such. Again, the principal asked him,

“Did you hear any comment or anyone make fun of you?”

He at once told that he had not heard anything.

He was asked, “Why didn’t he see any bad things in the college?”

He immediately responded that he was too focused to see anything while carrying the glass of water and taking around on the college campus.

The principal looked at him and asked lastly,

“What did you learn?”

He sensed his mistake,  accepted it while talking that he should be focused on life and career.

In the end, he thanked the principal and informed him that he would study there and continue to focus on life and career.

He left the office with a sense of thanks.


By Haridas Patil




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