Main excerpts of the webinar on Communication: To create to future
Today, I conducted the webinar at Selvamm Arts and Science College, Namakkal, And I like to present some excerpts of my talk.
A webinar on Communication: To create to future
- Starting with a story with a clear message- A power of your communication
- Keep your communication powerfully and authentically:-
- Speak authentically, meaningfully and straightforward without hesitating ex- Mr Narendra Modi's speech on farmer bills and repealed three laws.
- Don’t see a negative part but a positive one for everyone
- Don’t keep emotion and attachment while communicating with others
- Express yourself authentically and straightforward
2) Listen to your surrounding people intensively and try to get what is in there for you:-
- Don’t judge or react while listening to others intensively, but ask yourself what is there for me?
- Always keep your mind empty before listening to others. Because you can receive the message well and apply the same at every level.
- Story of two brothers, the elder becomes a drunkard, and the younger one becomes an IAS officer because they listened to the father.
3) Accept your mistake and error before others and the world boldly:-
- One of the best ways to make yourself and your life extraordinary is to accept your mistakes boldly and courageously before the world without any excuses or hesitance.
- After accepting your wrongdoings, you feel relieved and relaxed.
- Advantage of this is that you start thinking creatively and constructively about your life and career.
- Prepare the list of the people whom you have insulted, accept your mistakes before them and apologize to them. Later on, you can see your rapport well with them, and consequently, they start to listen to you properly.
- Feel happy while doing such work in your life and career. You feel as if everything becomes vacant for you and your mind.
4) Don’t keep rackets (an unpleasant loud continuous noise) with others and yourself but clear as soon as possible.
- Don’t keep any rackets with others and yourself. If you have it, you can share it authentically with them without any delay. Otherwise, you can spoil your life and career by keeping it. Further, it leads to spoiling your communication and career too. So, it is better to clear authentically. You don’t need to make any story. You just keep the fact.
5) Keep workout session before going to bed:-
- Every day you can keep your workout session before going to bed. At least you can realise what right or wrong things you have done on that day.
- keep a diary writing twice a day. One you can write down in the early morning what you are going to do on that day? The second one you can just ask yourself whether you have completed any task of that day or not. In this way, you can filter your thoughts, honesty and working styles. It benefits you a lot in your career and life.
6) Assignment for the students:
Prepare a list of the people whom you have insulted or hurt their feelings. Then you can write a letter of apology and accept your mistakes before them authentically. Do it anyhow.
By Haridas Patil
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