5th Day Diary

5th Day Diary

Date:-20.01.2022                    Day:- Thursday

Started the day very early and writing education I had regular online classes for my engineering students and orientation programmes for the Selam college students on idea factory. By that time, I got a comment on social media for my post related to my diary. I was asked what the purpose of posting a diary was. I humbly replied and continued to do my work.

As soon as I reached school, I ran after the students for their preparation for the speaking test and even scolded them. Somehow I endeavoured to do well and observed the result too. Some of them delayed and excused me that they would need to have some time for practising. By noon, I again received a comment on my diary post, and it was directly stated not to post such a personal diary. Further, it was supported by others. But I politely explained to him why I had posted it and took his words seriously. Such conversation on post went up to the evening. And again somebody from Government College appreciated me for it. Still, I was feeling something missing and didn’t get it properly. I was mentally disturbed about posting the diary.

But I shared the incident with my close friends. Consequently, I got some relief and thought over the matter. Sometimes I didn’t accept my mistake or blunder. So it was like that case, and I tried to show others how I was innocent. However, writing an everyday diary was like releasing my feeling authentically and precisely. That’s why I should like to continue over it.






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