
Showing posts from March, 2018

The activities for practical teaching.

                          Our school has decided that the teachers will teach the practical teaching from next academic year. So I planned out yesterday about it and noted down in the following lines. But still I need to explain these activities in a proper and concise way. And next couple of day i will write with full details. The objectives and the procedures will be added. It means that i will try to design the material for practical teaching with various activities.           A) PRACTICAL TEACHING IDEAS FOR V.N.GODHANI              ENGLISH SCHOOL 1)       Survey activity 2)       News paper activity 3)       Poetry writing and recitation 4)       Group discussion 5)       Panel discussion 6)       Debate 7)       Presentation 8)       Guest lecture ( outside) 9)       Extempore 10)   Drama and dramatization 11)   Problem solving 12)   Field visit 13)   De clutter the mind 14)   Advise and suggestion 15)   Role play 16)   Indian business 17

New challenge for my career

                                    Yesterday I got the news from the magazine about selection of my story. At that time i was happy but realised that i got new opportunity to work harder and brighter. It was not only news but also opportunity to develop my skill based career. As soon as I made myself satisfied , then i received the call from the coordinator of The Auro Publication , Shradha Anand and assigned me that i have to design the syllabus for 6 to 8 standard. When i got assignment and thought over that chance. Later on , I asked myself about my commitment and creativity. I asked me," why do I need this type of hard assignment?" How do i begin this work ? what structure is available for me ? The questions ran through my mind. But i need to note down all these questions.                                                                                        Then I will see how I can work and bring the outcome. even I will try to change the methods of working and imple

Birth of the discipline

                                                                                    Birth of the discipline                                  On the first day of the second week in March, I was given a memo by the head boy of V.N.Godhani. It was around 8 clock. It was regarding the violation of rules in the parking area. At first, I was very furious at him. But he talked very politely,                                        “ Sir, today we found you without a helmet while driving the bike. So it is a rule to pay a fine if the person without a helmet”                                  But further, I started an argument with him over the other issues. I threw various issues before him like discipline, co-operation in the class, assembly and many more. At a time I was not ready to listen. But he stood silent while listening to me. Indirectly he was teaching me about the discipline and I was not inclined towards that. As I held that memo of 50 rupees and at once the idea flas

Goal setting

                           Goal setting department                                                                           In school, Goal setting department can be introduced at secondary and higher secondary level. This department will work for 7 th to 12 th classes. In a week, every class has two periods. At first the facilitator can take the details from the students. In which they will write about their short and long term goals. Further they will add their purpose of the goals. Then the facilitator can conduct the period in such way that the students will respond him and that will give the clarity about their goals. It is a period to remind them about what are their goals? What are they doing for it? How are they performing for that in day to day life? What problems do they come across? In this period everybody will focus on achieving their goal.                                                      This is only department to ask the students about their goals on the co

Meeting the great teacher Shah Guaruji !

On Sunday , I had a meeting with the great teacher of Limbayat area ,Surat. He is Nurodin Shah and is called Guruji lovingly by the people. He is the principal of the school at Dindoli , Surat. I found out that he is really good and simple person. He said that the teachers should use the books as their tools and try to bring the changes in the teaching. At that time , i was agreed with his points. Further he added that every teacher should focus on the meaningful learning and relationship with the learners. Then he shared many stories of his journey. But he is still humble as well as down to earth in spite of the principal.                         While talking with him , I observed that he accepted some of the mistake of the government schools. That was great point of great leader.He was very frank in telling the system. In the end , we both agreed to work for the students of the governments. So i accepted his some of requests. And i am going to give some English lessons in creative

Problem solving assessment for my students.

                                         Today I took P. S. A. exam in 9th and had an amazing outcome. At first, I gave some instructions regarding it. Then I asked them to keep a rough page for solving the problems. Firstly they thought that it was easy and simple , but they were having doubt about it. As soon as they started writing the answer , they realised to be tough and hard to solve it. I observed that they were thinking out of box and imagining about the possibility of the solution. Little bit i was happy and contented. But it was ended as soon as they asked several questions. I found to reply them very hard and unable to explain them. At that time i understood that not only the students were required that type of exam but also the teachers were to be supposed to go through it. At least they would come to know the level of their thinking and applying it.                                     Secondly, i was suggested that such exam would be taken regularly. And it was given by
Respected Women of this world                                                      We thank you for your contributions towards the development of the society and the nation. The world always admires you as a strong, worthy, beautiful and perfect. You are a source of inspiration for the whole world. You are always remembered for your work and the ideologies. Once again we offer the thankfulness to you for being a good human being and powerful woman on this planet.   We are really indebted to salute you on this occasion of the women’s day. HAPPY WOMEN’S DAY TO YOU ALL! Thank you!