Daily useful sentences for all.


Daily useful sentences for all.

1)   I like……

I like my family.

I like a book.

I like Surat.

I like a chocolate.

I like my school.

I like shopping

I like watching T.V.

I like cricket.

I like picnic.

I like my class.

I like my friends.

I like movies.

I like cooking.

I like fast-food.

I like walking.

I like exercise.

Do you like a book?

Do you like Surat?

Do you like your school?

Do you like pizza?

Do you play cricket?

Do you like friends?

Do you like your teachers?


2)   I go to……

I go to washroom.

I go to school.

I go to city.

I go to cinema.

I go to shopping.

I go to market.

I go to a garden.

I go to a temple.

I go to a shop

I go to village.

I go to picnic.

I go to a mall.

I go to playground.

I go to Mumbai.

I go to uncle’s house.

I go to friend’s house.

I go to a hotel.

I go to an airport.

I go to a hill station.

Do you go to city?

Do you go to a garden?

Do you go to village?

Do you go to shopping?

Do you go to Mumbai?

Do you go to a hotel?


3)   I drink…….

I drink water

I drink tea.

I drink coffee.

I drink juice.

I drink butter milk.

I drink coconut water.

I drink lemon water.

I drink cold drinks.

I drink warm water.

Do you drink water?

Do you drink tea?

Do you drink butter milk?

Do you drink juice?

Do you drink lemon water?


4)   I eat…….

I eat breakfast.

I eat fruits.

I eat vegetables.

I eat chocolates.

I eat beard butter.

I eat pizza.

I eat homemade food

Do you eat fruits?

Do you eat lunch?

Do you eat snack?


5)   I read…..

I read a book.

I read a story.

I read the newspaper.

I read an essay.

I read messages.

I read my notebook

I read a poem.

I read a hoarding.

Do you read a book?

Do you read a story book?

Do you read your notebook?


6)   I play…..

I play cricket.

I play chess.

I play games.

I play online games

I play Kho -Kho.

I play tennis.

I play football.

Do you play cricket?

Do you play chess?

Do you play hide seek?

Do you play outdoor games?


7)   I have…..

I have a book.

I have a car.

I have a lunch box.

I have a bungalow.

I have a bike.

I have a watch.

I have a smart mobile.

I have a water bottle.

I have a bank account.

I have a gold chain.

I have hundred rupees.

Do you have a cycle?

Do you have a book?

Do you have an idea?

Do you have a study room?

Do you have a compass box?


8)   I listen to…..

I listen to my parents

I listen to my teacher.

I listen to a song.

I listen to a story.

I listen to music.

Do you listen to your mother?

Do you listen to a song?

Do you listen to a teacher?


9)   I meet….

I meet my family.

I meet friends.

I meet teachers.

I meet brother.

I meet sister.

I meet a police.

I meet a lawyer.

I meet my childhood friends.

Do you meet a friend?

Do you meet your brother?

Do you meet your class teacher?

Do you meet your sister?


10)                  I want……

I want a book.

I want a cycle.

I want a mobile.

I want a school bag.

I want a timetable.

I want a laptop.

I want money.

I want fruits.

Do you want a cycle?

Do you want a scale?

Do you want a notebook?

Do you want a pencil?

Do you want a logbook?


11)                  I give…….

I give a party.

I give a chocolate

I give a gift

I give a lunch box.

I give a book.

I give respect.

I give a bike/

Do you give a party?

Do you give a book?

Do you give a pen?

Do you give a car?


12)                  I understand……..

I understand English.

I understand your problem.

I understand my father.

I understand maths

I understand my teachers.

I understand him.

I understand myself/

Do you understand maths?

Do you understand Hindi?

Do you understand family?

Do you understand your teachers?

Do you understand your life?

Do you understand life?


13)                  I make………….

I make tea.

I make lunch.

I make burger.

I make a painting.

I make south Indian dish.

Do you make friends?

Do you make planning?

Do you make a project?

14)                  I do…………….

I do exercise.

I do yoga.

I do parties.

I do homework.

I do it possible.

Do you do your work?

Do you do a project?

Do you do programme?


15)                  I take…..

I take a bag.

I take a car.

I take a water bottle.

I take a letter.

I take responsibility.

I take course.

I take ATM card.

Do you take a car?

Do you take your bag?

Do you take your lunchbox?

Do you take your work seriously?

Do you take your money?


16)                  I bring………….

I bring a new car.

 I bring my book.

I bring a laptop.

I bring fruits.

Do you bring a car?

Do you bring a compass box?

Do you bring your cheque book?


17)                  I keep………

I keep myself busy.

I keep values in my life.

I keep silence.

I keep rules in the class.

I keep distance from others.

Do you keep a bag?

Do you keep money?

Do you keep happiness?

18)                  I think about…..

I think about my family.

I think about life.

I think about my friends.

I think about homework.

Do you think about your life?

Do you think about school life?

Do you think about your career?


19)                  I speak……..

I speak English.

I speak Hindi.

I speak softly.

I speak rudely.

I speak different languages.

I speak humbly.

I speak English well.

Do you speak Gujarati?

Do you speak classroom language?

Do you speak Marathi?


20)                  I help……

I help him

I help my friends.

I help others.

I help you.

I help my students.

Do you help others?

Do you help your family?

Do you help school teachers?

Do you help yourself?


21)                   I see…….

I see an accident.

I see progress.

I see him at the class.

Do you see something?

Do you see challenge?


22)                  I write…..

I write a story.

I write a book.

I write a letter

I write a report.

I write a notice

I write a diary.

Do you write a letter?

Do you write a poem?

Do you write a logbook?


  1. Very helpful for boosting confidence sir.

  2. Yes, practice these sentences are enough for primary students.


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