Generally, we find happiness in money, party, food, television and
visiting a place. It may be any other source. But it lasts temporarily. These
don’t guarantee you everlasting happiness. So what do you do for it? Where do
you search for it? How do you acquire it? Why don't you have it forever? These
questions go through your mind and seem to be an illusion. It creates a doubt
whether it exists or not. Maybe it is a fragrance for which everybody runs
after it. Ultimately it is said that you cannot find it either at a temple or
any prestigious university. It is a priceless object. It avails within, not
But V.N.GODHANI SCHOOL has full of it. It is an obvious place of
learning and knowledge. But truly it is also the abode of happiness as well as
cheerful. It is everywhere on the school premises. Maybe you think that it is
suspicious, but surely it is there. Begin with the watchman’s greeting, “Jay
Ram Ji Ki”. It makes the teachers pleased and cheerful. Automatically it sets
their mood positive. As soon as they reach the steps of the school building,
they touch it as you do at shrine place. As the teachers stand before
attendance machine, they receive a lot of greeting from the massi and others
with a broad smile. Slowly and gradually they have happiness from every corner
of the school.
Not only the
students and the massi but also the head of the school is seen to extend a
greeting to them. Simultaneously it multiplies the happiness. It happens
unconsciously and unconditionally. As the teachers visit the library, there the
quotations and positive proverbs on the walls make them pleasant. Even the
librarian not only happily greets but also welcome them. Then happiness is
generated there. It costs nothing. Entire school functions on this aspect. It
is fairly available on the school campus. By the way, the management, as well
as the administrator, also become a part of this happiness journey. By anyway,
they always arrange the teachers’ meeting at the end of the month. They provide
a platform to the teachers where they express their opinion strongly, candidly
and freely. After that, they have a snack and cold drink. All these make
everybody happy and cheerful. It takes place spontaneously.
In the world, no other place you find than this. The teachers come
not as compulsive but as spontaneous. Their entire lives are changed and shaped
their career. As the motto of V.N.GODHANI is ‘shaping generation’. Do you still
search for it? Hahaha!
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