The fun we had


The fun we had

On Monday morning, I introduced a new activity to 9th to take them to the lesson ‘The Fun They had’ By Isaac Asimov. I had just a few ideas and instructions for the class. One by one, I put them before the class. While doing it, they were somewhat excited, curious and happy. The following instructions were given.

-       Those who are right-handed writers will write any three sentences with their left hand, and those who are left-handed writers will write three sentences with their right hand. They have to finish it within two minutes.

-       Translate any Hindi movie dialogue into English within two minutes.

-       Write words to end with the letter ‘er’ as many as possible within one minute.

-       Write English alphabets from end to beginning – example ‘Z……….. A’

-       Write any proverb with meaning in your language within two minutes.

        In the end, all of them clapped for this activity. On asking, each of the students unexpectedly shared their views and fun. It looked like a real class instead of an online one. Happily, they got enjoyment and meaning of the lesson ‘The fun They had.’


Happy doing!

Happy Learning!

By Haridas Patil

(Blogger, Educator and Trainer)


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