Thoughts for self-introspection


 Thoughts for self-introspection

1)   Everybody feels that others should listen to him, but nobody is ready to listen to others.

2)   The day you control your temper, you will win the flow of life.

3)   Don’t look for good from outside, but inside.

4)   Start your day with gratitude and end with it. It can make you enlighten in life.

5)   If you stop, you will end yourself. But you continue to act. You will be truly alive.

6)   Sometimes others keep the worst attitude towards you. However, it makes you challenged and determined.

7)   Not money or designation are crucial for your life, but your inner peace, sleep and happiness most vital matter for you.

8)   Life is about your duty and inner beauty. So, to prove your role for it.  

9)   You know that you are genuinely truthful, not required to convince or prove before others.

10)        Don’t waste your priceless time on others. For, nobody can compensate for you.


By Haridas Patil

(Blogger, Educator and Trainer)


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