Shri RamKrishna Welfare Trust Relief Centre         
                 We hear people say, “service to man is service to God”, but it happens in rare case. Nobody is ready to give up his own things for others. Nobody is ready to return the found money. It takes place in a few cases. We know that Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and others do social service. They reach every corner of the world. But SRK( shri RamKrishna Welfare Trust) started relief fund for poor and needy people. Though it is part of SRK but it has an autonomous body which works on its own way. It takes own decision. No outsiders interferes and suggest, it works from morning to evening, it neither shows its proud nor ask others to advertise its own agendas. But it works silently and quietly. It listens to the people as well as their request. Then it puts their request in the proper channel. Then the committee has to check out the filled form and note down the facts. Further the committee keeps an enquiry about that person who asked for the financial help. It clears all doubt. Then the help will be given out to that person.
                      This SRK relief centre reaches in the areas of medical, education and social etc. it has its own objectives to help the society out. That’s way it works silently, not makes noise. It is handled by a body of the people and these people are :
1)      Pratik Shah
2)      Savitaben  Sarvaiya
3)      Komalben Painter
4)      Bharatbhai Pandya
5)      Divyaben  Savaliya
6)      Bhupendrabhai Pandya
7)      Kantibhai Parmar
8)      Parthbhai Gajera
9)      Karamshibhai Malaviya
                         Among them, PratikBhai is PRO and KantiBhai is giving the service. KaramshiBhai is a trustee. This relief centre works under the banner of Shri RamKrishna Welfare trust, Surat. it is really working good. It is at the people’s help. It tries to make them happy as well as positive with its motto; it is given by the founder and chairman of SRK Shri Govind kaka
                             “I am nothing, but I can do anything”
                                                          Here I personally visited last week and was impressed by the function of it. I feel that the people of this organization directly and indirectly contribute toward the progress of the society as well as the nation. I wish good luck to the team of SRK Relief centre and founder. God bless them and make their lives happy!


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