
Showing posts from August, 2018

Not qualification, but attitude matters !

           Some days ago I came across an advertisement on website. It was related to education sector and about the teaching. The institute was looking for some trainers. So it advertised in following way “ 1. Authenticity & honesty 2. Hunger & desire to learn/work hard   3. Character to stand for the right things 4. Making things happen   Qualification is not a constraint, attitude is With a detailed write up with examples on how you have demonstrated these behaviours & what has been your story till now. Any application without a write up will not be considered. We will contact the shortlisted soon. “                   I surprised after reading above advertisement. It means that qualification is not important that much as it was earlier, but now the character is to be tested on every level. The integrity, honesty, authenticity and hard work to be given the priorities for today’s job. In fact we have problem of how to teach above behaviours trait to the s

Don't keep the Rackets!

Last Saturday I had afternoon school, so I came to 10.30 and was happy as I had very fewer periods on that day. I was feeling relaxed and doing my work on the computer. Then one of my colleagues started complaining about the family and its members. That’s why I responded,” don’t keep any rackets with them or yourself “. Again the colleague excused and validated the point what was said. I observed that my colleague was not ready to know the racket. The colleague neither accepted the responsibility nor said sorry. And not ready to share the feeling with them. In that way my colleague paid the cost and not ready to take pay off by understating the racket.                             Later on I explained that person about the racket.   I said that it was about complaining about others or self all the times. The person carried the mental disturbances and cost many things like negative thoughts, resentment, agony, irritation and bad image. These are just examples and the person suffered

Letter to the students and the teachers

Dear learners and teachers   Good morning!                                         Hope that you all are doing well and happy. Today I feel as a partner of your success journey. So I like to share my feeling with you. You know that Morning Prayer always makes you positive and refreshed. Even it is said that our day does not start without breakfast, similarly the mind does not function well without Morning Prayer. That’s why I assert that Morning Assembly should be conducted properly and attentively. Because I bring: a lot of positive thought, motivation, peace, change and clarity in our life. Further I set your mood and make you aware of your strength. I enable you to become powerful as well as contented. I always wait your contribution in making me successful in the morning. May be you know or don’t know that the God has created me in sake of making your life better, happier and smarter. Hence I always run after you to make you ready for morning assembly, but you take it lightl

The English Grammar Day Celebration

The department of English celebrated The English grammar day on 20 Aug ,2018 at V.N.Godhani English School.We all planned out the activities in an advance and carried out on that day. That programme consisted of drama, action song, speech, assessment test and small activities. Among them, the drama of The Godhanidham became very successful. It was on the theme of grammar point. It was very interesting and creative work. The whole school enjoyed the day. Then we had the first and second level paper of English Grammar for the students. The assessment papers were especially designed for the pupils according to their level.                                            The teachers were involved from the beginning to end and they put their whole experience into the celebration. They made it successfully and brought a lot of change in the school.   The school hoped that the English department would take such initiative in the future. On the other hand, these teachers are very committed a

The speech on Independence day !

Today  we are celebrating 72 nd independence day all over India. Since 1947 we have been talking about India and Indian freedom fighters. Do we know what they have dreamed for future India? What did they expect from today’s generation? Do we know these? May be we know or don’t know. But I think that we have to take some constructive steps in order to make our motherland as developed , glorious , smarter and better. Now it’s time not to think what we can do , but it’s time what actions can we take ? which are spoken either by  our freedom fighters or us. Today we need to take action.Either individually or collectively  we have to put our effort in areas of education,agriculture, employment , health and technology. It is said ,           “ What can I do for my nation instead of what can the nation do for me?”           So today I also start my action in sake of developing my nation in every field. Here I request to you all that we as Indian need to leave blaming, complaining and e

The responsibility always matters!

Arrangement of the debate competition was done by me on last Saturday. It was at the school hall. So students were taken there at o'clock along with the teachers. At that time two teams took their seats in opposite of each other. Simultaneously I was arranging other things of the debate. At once I heard one of the students asking to switch the air conditioner on, nearby one of the teachers responded that the principal mam strictly disallowed it. So the student didn’t proceed ahead. Then the programme began with the coming of the judges and the anchor welcomed them. One of the judges did the toss between the two teams. The rules were introduced clearly.                                        At first the favour team started with positive point. In between the audience also cheered them and clapped for the right argument. In last ten minutes the audience also got a chance to raise the questions to both teams. It was very successful programme. Even I was so happy that I could not

Slow movement seems somehow to say much more

                            “Slow movement seems somehow to say much more” this line is drawn from Nissim Ezekiel’s poem. It means that we need to slow down in day to day life. In other words, “No hurry, No worry”. Generally we make a lot of mistakes due to hurry. Hurry can affect upon body and mind. Then it makes us to lose our temper. It affects on our habits. As we make hurry, we show it in our walking, talking and eating etc. it builds the pressurized on us. That’s why it is said,                                       “Slow and steady win the race”                       If the person slows down in his day to day routine, he will stabilize himself in the daily routine. Then it impacts upon his thought quality and working style. Otherwise a cloud of thought gathers in the mind and makes the person to be complicated in his nature. Then he does not get a clear picture of what to do or not to do. So our sages since the ancient times have been telling, “hurry makes worry”       

Life - a game of thought and action

                              Life – a game of thought and action Life is defined by various thinkers differently. It is also perceived differently by all of us. Commonly some of us have a clear thinking of it and some of other has unclear views over it. But it is surely depended upon human mind and his action. The mind collects the facts, then turns it into thought and comes out it as action. It is openly pointed out by well known spiritual leader saint Gautama Buddha,               “What we think that we can become”                                     It is purely truthful that the thought plays a great role in shaping our life. Everyday what we see around, we perceive the same. Slowly we have the same action and the outcome can be as what our thought as well as perception. It is a great point to take every purpose into our thought process. We should have the reason of everything. That needs to be a clear, concise and precise etc. At every level the objectives are a vital ro

Digital marketing seminar at V.N.Godhani English School

Our school , V.N.Godhani English school , organised the seminar on 'Digital Marketing' at 1.o clock on 4th August. It was handled by Mr.Bhautik Sheth and Mrs Isha Raval. They were from iVipanan  Marketing Services,Surat. Mr. Bhautik sir started well the session by shooting a number of questions to the students. They answered him and he also cleared the doubts of them.He made it very interactive and informative. As he was explaining his power point presentation , his PPT was looked very informative as well as attractive. He kept it very communicative and interested so that they didn't feel bored. Then he introduced a game to them and they also enjoyed it                                                        After that he handed the mike to Mrs Isha mam,who is also associate of his organisation, convinced the girls about the various careers due to digital marketing and how they could get it successfully. At last Mr Bhautik sir winded up the session by asking the que