Love and motivation are needs of the life!

              Yesterday I saw an incident at one of schools in Surat as I had holiday at school. One of 8th std students was called in the office. It was reported by the lady teacher that he insulted her. So he was brought there by the school peon. Then hot argument started and he was showered lots of issue regarding the classroom. After some time, two other boys were also summoned. The principal was very furious with them and ordered to call his parents. At that time he tried to apologise the teacher, but it was in vain as the principal as well as the teacher were not ready to tolerate that matter.  
         Within a span of time his father came there on bicycle and listened in rapt attention to them. As if he had no any other work except listening them. Further he was in mood of compromise by offering excuse the principal and the teacher. He didn’t argue, kept requesting his son to exclaim sorry to them. Somewhere he was agreed with the issue. Even he himself tried to apologise them, but he wasn’t accepted. They were very clear on zero tolerance for discipline issue. Further they informed the parent as well as the students that they would not tolerate indiscipline.
             It went for more than half an hour and the whole incident made everybody unhappy, demotivated, and disappointed. Nobody was ready to come forward and look possibility of bridging the gap. Though that boy apologised yet the teacher kept reminding him the issue of insult. The whole incident showed that there was lack of motivation on both sides. Both the teacher and the principal felt not motivated for looking any positive thing in the students. On other side the father also failed to shake his child and took him to home as soon as the principal ordered for suspension the student.
               Being an eyewitness I watched a short movie of that and pondered over it. I at least realised that motivation was required to bring back their relation and affinity. It was in vain because nothing good happened. It is said that love is communication of the life. Both sides missed that. That’s why neither they nor the child would get one another why they were fighting there. It is seen that love and motivation is need of today’s problem.
                               If we look at the words used by the others, we will not rage over them. At least we try to get their mental condition. In fact we miss love, motivation, and affection every day.   All of us look for one another to show these, but nobody takes trouble to shower upon other. Therefore such issue raises everyday and we start either blame or complain. It is better to love other so that other can heal and start loving others. Love has power to transform the lives and bring them closer.


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