
Showing posts from May, 2019

Five simple ways for happiness and satisfaction

Five simple ways for happiness and satisfaction 1)      Work what you like and keep the choice in the work. As per your choice you can work. 2)      Listen to your near and dear attentively, but ignore their drawbacks and try to accept their views candidly. 3)        Acknowledge the people for their work happily. First start at home, then do it outside. 4)      Write down any three achievement of day in simple present tense. It may be small or big and try to feel them. 5)      Play with small children for an hour daily and laugh with them.                    Try out the above ways in order to achieve the happiness and satisfaction.

Letter to my childhood friends

After many years , I met my childhood friends Chandrakant and Nivruti last week in Jalgaon. Actually we were studying together at primary school Dharangaon , district Jalgaon. It was very special visit for me. So I acknowledge them and their caring nature. As they took care  and made my stay comfortable in Jalgaon. Dear Chandrakant and Nivruti Greetings! With the lord’s blessing I came across you and your family. It looked like Sudama was meeting to his friend when I met you and Nivruti. At that time our friendship was revived and came closer. Perhaps it was the God’s wish to bring us together after long time and turned out the memorable meeting. However I always kept the view that I might have done some virtual work in my previous life, so I got you and your family darshan including Nivruti. Our meeting took me into the past and wove lots of relation between us. The way you were in touch with me and got information of my visit where I was supposed to come. All th

A unique celebration on mother's day !

Recently I saw number of people celebrated the mother’s day differently. Some of them had cake with mother and cut it. Others took their mothers out for celebrating and enjoyed it. Everybody had different way of celebrating it. I unconsciously celebrated it, later on came to know that I celebrated it by helping my mother at kitchen on that day. On that day, we had some guests from Maharashtra. They were supposed to stay for night at my home. On the other hand, my wife went to her parent’s home for spending the summer holidays before ‘Akshay Trutiya’ a festival of Marathi people. So, on that day, my mother had to do all household work along with taking care of the guests, their lunch and dinner. Further she went to market buying mangoes and decided to prepare a delicious dish. That was called as ‘Puran Poli’ in the Marathi community. Making it was really hard and required lots of preparation. She had to do the preparation by herself and nobody was at her help at that moment. I s

My Mission

"Make the people happy,competitive,and an enlightened by creating suitable atmosphere of learning and living. Simultaneously enable them to realise themselves by training to their mind" hashtag hashtag # students hashtag # empower hashtag # learn hashtag # children hashtag # speaking hashtag # mind hashtag # training hashtag # happy hashtag # people hashtag # living hashtag # make hashtag # mission hashtag # atmosphere hashtag # enable hashtag # suitable hashtag # enlightened

Living the extraordinary life

                                            Living the extraordinary life In a fast-paced life, we always carry stress and burden of ill-feeling. Then we face a major issue and are stuck somewhere. We are too busy to imagine living an extraordinary life. The life we wish free, empty, and nothingness. Though we want to live, yet don’t have it. For we keep a bag of ego, guilt, worrisome, tension, secret, and much more. We never feel free due to these. We live life somehow. That’s why living the extraordinary life is not just a cup of tea. It is like a daydream.                                                                      Living it means to have free, empty, and nothingness. Firstly we all need to keep our life as an open book. It asks for our courage to share the feeling with others authentically. Either it is positive or negative. Whatever we have it, need to share with others. Further, we have to accept our mistakes, secret publicly and boldly. At a time we have to t

Five mantras :developing the thought and life

Five mantras for developing the thought and life. In sake of living good and contented life , we need to know our thought and change them accordingly. One needs to follow the given steps so that he can change the thought and ultimate the life. The five steps will be helpful in enhancing one's thought and enable him to change it 1) Observe or monitor self thought for five –ten minutes early morning. Don’t interfere , but just keep a watch over them. 2) Keep a journal and note down own thought everyday . Either it is positive or negative. 3) Use positive affirmations loudly throughout the day. It must be three or four time and may differ from person to person. One has to keep what suitable affirmations are. 4) Share own mistake and feelings with others authentically. In which one has to accept his commitment openly. Neither the blame game  nor fault finder is played.   5) Do any type of social or passionate work at small level. In that one has to o

Engage , Envisage , and Empower !

On the last day of the academic year, we had a general meeting. It was chaired by the principals as well as the director. As usual the school keeps such meeting and discusses the yearly activities or assessment. On that day, everybody thought the same. But this time something was different and creative for the school. It started with prayer and the anchor handed the mike over the director. All of us kept a view that we would have same stuff, which we had last year. However he narrated some stories of successful people and how they travelled the adventurous path. Further he expressed his opinion that they had to choose a difficult way in order to live adventurous and extra ordinary life. That way the teachers could learn and become successful. Moving ahead with his speech, he formed 10 leaders including the principals as well as the coordinators. Then these leaders were asked to select the chit out of the bowl. In it the specific goal was mentioned. As soon as the leade

Bitter words , but authentic meaning!

Words play a great role in the life. Sometime we become positive and realistic due to it. Otherwise we stick to negative. Slowly it saps our mental ability. So it is very wise how we get the meaning of that communication. In which we either accept or reject it. However we will make our self stronger and better, if accept it positively. On the other side the rejection brings lots of chaos inside. It keeps us engaged with negative perception. Recently I had an incident and taught great lesson. As we say, “bitter words, but everlasting and authentic meaning”. On that day, my school arranged seminar on English language by an expert. It was supposed to start at 10 clock. So we teachers had to finish tea and breakfast before it. That was schedule for us. On the other hand, one of my colleagues came around that time at me and requested me about a retest paper. I told him that I would keep it in his folder before leaving the school. For I thought of rechecking and keeping it in his fol