Engage , Envisage , and Empower !

On the last day of the academic year, we had a general meeting. It was chaired by the principals as well as the director. As usual the school keeps such meeting and discusses the yearly activities or assessment. On that day, everybody thought the same. But this time something was different and creative for the school.
It started with prayer and the anchor handed the mike over the director. All of us kept a view that we would have same stuff, which we had last year. However he narrated some stories of successful people and how they travelled the adventurous path. Further he expressed his opinion that they had to choose a difficult way in order to live adventurous and extra ordinary life. That way the teachers could learn and become successful. Moving ahead with his speech, he formed 10 leaders including the principals as well as the coordinators. Then these leaders were asked to select the chit out of the bowl. In it the specific goal was mentioned.
As soon as the leaders went through it and knew the goal. They were given time for selection of the subordinate leaders. Some of the goals were really tough to achieve, but nothing was impossible. The director enabled these leaders think, imagine, plan, and apply. He clearly instructed about these and how they had to plan out. So there was no any confusion for the leaders. The deadline for completion was also mentioned.  
That meeting was named ‘Multi goal’. Definitely he prepared all of the teachers including the leaders to work creatively and passionately. There were some goals which were about the leader and his team had to read the ten biographies and note down the important point of each page. Then they would keep the presentation before the school. Another team was given the task of meeting to the governor of the state and put a touching project before him. Next team had an assignment of reducing the weight of their members with deadline. There were ten goals for the teams.
The director put everybody into creative and passionate work. Certainly there was something new and unique for all. At least they would engage in the assignment slowly. They would envisage of what they had to plan out. And they would empower themselves when they come to completion of their task. Such type of the project work in fact extract the talent, creativity, innovative, and much more. If done it passionately, they would have heavenly joy.
In the end of that meeting, he made everybody to work as a team. The platform, where they had work together, would develop and find the passion to live. All teachers left with happy face, however I kept opinion that beautifully he brought the motto, ‘Engage, Envisage, and Empower’ into these assignments. Today such director is required at every institute. I internally extended the thanks to him for making the meeting worth attending.        


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