Living the extraordinary life

                                            Living the extraordinary life
In a fast-paced life, we always carry stress and burden of ill-feeling. Then we face a major issue and are stuck somewhere. We are too busy to imagine living an extraordinary life. The life we wish free, empty, and nothingness. Though we want to live, yet don’t have it. For we keep a bag of ego, guilt, worrisome, tension, secret, and much more. We never feel free due to these. We live life somehow. That’s why living the extraordinary life is not just a cup of tea. It is like a daydream.
                                                                     Living it means to have free, empty, and nothingness. Firstly we all need to keep our life as an open book. It asks for our courage to share the feeling with others authentically. Either it is positive or negative. Whatever we have it, need to share with others. Further, we have to accept our mistakes, secret publicly and boldly. At a time we have to take the commitment into account towards each aspect of life. If we lack it, we can initiate to accept in front of the people. We don’t need to keep thinking of what they will react. Even we have to give up ego, word, and justification. So we have to take a difficult, courageous, and adventurous action to live it.
                           On the other hand, we find tough to share our feeling with others authentically. Simultaneously we keep our feeling good attitude. Our ego, nature, and validation come as the barrier and stop us from the sharing authentically. It creates an obstacle for us and never allows releasing our feelings freely. That’s why we have to act courageously. Sometimes we stick to justify our points. That also stops us and slowly we convince self to be right. Then we show lots of excuses. We try to prove as the right person. We act like fake at that moment. If we want to make our self empty and nothingness, we can openly show our genuine nature without any worry.  
                             We know that it takes our courage and boldness. Therefore we have to write feeling, mistakes, and guilt on a paper. Slowly we can share it with close friends. At that time it must be authentic, not fake. Otherwise, we will not get the life what we wish. Then we will gather courage and confidence after writing and sharing.  As a result of that, we can do the sharing courageously before the public. Further, we can declare what we want before them too.  The moment we do it will have a powerful life to live.
                   Once we start practising it, we will have a space to live an extraordinary life. It must be powerful and adventurous.


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