Bitter words , but authentic meaning!

Words play a great role in the life. Sometime we become positive and realistic due to it. Otherwise we stick to negative. Slowly it saps our mental ability. So it is very wise how we get the meaning of that communication. In which we either accept or reject it. However we will make our self stronger and better, if accept it positively. On the other side the rejection brings lots of chaos inside. It keeps us engaged with negative perception. Recently I had an incident and taught great lesson. As we say, “bitter words, but everlasting and authentic meaning”.
On that day, my school arranged seminar on English language by an expert. It was supposed to start at 10 clock. So we teachers had to finish tea and breakfast before it. That was schedule for us. On the other hand, one of my colleagues came around that time at me and requested me about a retest paper. I told him that I would keep it in his folder before leaving the school. For I thought of rechecking and keeping it in his folder would take 15 minutes. Even I was about leaving for breakfast and immediately joining the seminar. So I was hurry to reach there and see the beginning of the seminar by the expert.
It was my nature to observe the beginning of any speaker. At same time I kept habit of noting down the point his starting well. So I took my seat and he called me again. I replied the same that I would do it before leaving. Then I had a break at 12 and had a cup of tea down side, at the kitchen. All of sudden   he, who said about that paper, rushed toward me and started to speak loudly. He was red faced and started scolding me,
“Sir, why didn’t you do it? You are very lazy and always delay the work. “
I silently listened to him and responded him that I would do it at that moment. He said me that I would submit it to other teacher. So I went to that teacher, but he pointed out that I would submit it to third teacher. At last, on reaching there where I was supposed to submit it. Simultaneously English teacher kept calling me and I was told to take care of the thank letter. Actually our school gives the thank letter to the guest who comes to the school. So the teacher asked me to prepare it. I went towards her and finalized it at once. Then we printed it out.
During that time, I was shocked to see my colleague, who worked with me, reported me about my laziness and delaying nature. I was not able to pay attention to the seminar speaker. Words of the colleague ran through my head and I was total mentally disturbed. Gradually I thought of accepting instead of rejecting his words. Perhaps he was right and wanted me to correct my drawback. At that moment I again recalled his communication and listened to him well. I observed my past days too and realized that I was in fact lazy. I didn’t take it seriously earlier, in fact he was taking care of my life. As soon as I got his meaning, I decided to extend my thanks to him the following day.      
 After some time, I was quite amazed at my mood how it changed, relieved, and emptied. I realized it due to my acceptance. At same time I moved on. That incident might be not much important or serious, but offered me a valuable lesson. In fact he was taking care of my work and authentically said to me about it. Significantly I saw the pain and suffering of my colleague. Therefore I offered my gratefulness to him. I changed my perception after that incident over him.
We both became glad, as I extended the thanks. At a time I remembered my guru’s words “change your perception, your life too.” Since that moment, I see my free, empty, and nothingness.


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