A unique celebration on mother's day !

Recently I saw number of people celebrated the mother’s day differently. Some of them had cake with mother and cut it. Others took their mothers out for celebrating and enjoyed it. Everybody had different way of celebrating it. I unconsciously celebrated it, later on came to know that I celebrated it by helping my mother at kitchen on that day.
On that day, we had some guests from Maharashtra. They were supposed to stay for night at my home. On the other hand, my wife went to her parent’s home for spending the summer holidays before ‘Akshay Trutiya’ a festival of Marathi people. So, on that day, my mother had to do all household work along with taking care of the guests, their lunch and dinner. Further she went to market buying mangoes and decided to prepare a delicious dish. That was called as ‘Puran Poli’ in the Marathi community. Making it was really hard and required lots of preparation. She had to do the preparation by herself and nobody was at her help at that moment. I sometime helped her for small work, but that day I got realization that being lady she had to work all things despite of old age. The moment I saw it, suddenly I offered my help to her. Initially she was not ready. Somehow I succeeded in convincing her. Then I did the work like cutting the vegetables, filling water, and preparing other ingredients. Following I cleaned home and did the work whatever she asked for.
By 9.30 the dinner was ready and I served it to the guests. After their dinner I cleaned the place. I and my brother, who came late from his office, joined together with her for taking the dinner. It was around 10.15 and slowly finished it at 10.40. I knew that the work was not finished. So I continued to help her for collecting the plates and washing them. Further I arranged the bed for the guest as well as my father. However she pleaded me to go for sleep. At that time, the clock was struck 12.10 after doing the remained work. Then I went to my room and thought for a while. The image of working woman appeared in my mind. It kept thought of how much she worked at that age. Not that day, but all days I wanted to stand by her side. I took promise on that day and celebrated it that way.
Simultaneously I remembered that mostly I insulted her, but she never took it seriously. She always showered her love over the family. That day I felt guilty about my own nature. At that moment I decided to correct myself by helping her all the time. I knew that she all the time cared of every member. She neither showed nor told her family about her workload. Happily she offered her helping hand. That was her greatness and goodness. Without fail, still she gets up early and starts the housework for family.
It is not enough to celebrate the mother’s day on that day, but the entire life we have to celebrate it by helping , listening , talking lovingly , respecting her and much more. We all know that she sacrifices every moment. Loudly I said to .myself. “Happy Mother’s day” and had sound sleep. Thanks all mothers!                   .


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