Classroom instructions.


Classroom instructions.

-       Stand up

-       Sit down

-       Keep silence

-       Open your textbook

-       Come to the page no

-       Look at the blackboard

-       Sit straight

-       Speak in English

-       Come here

-       Go to your seat

-       Understand this point

-       Don’t throw garbage in the class

-       Use the dustbin

-       Don’t speak in running class

-       Don’t disturb others

-       Use good language

-       Don’t speak dirty words

-       Write down

-       Complete your classwork

-       Show me your notebook

-       Write down in your diary

-       Read the paragraph

-       Don’t look outside

-       Listen to me

-       Always speak in English

-       Behave well with others

-       Study well

-       Respect others

-       Ask your question

-       Collect your notebooks

-       Keep the notebooks on the table

-       Write in good handwriting

-       Read the lesson silently

-       Share your problem

-       Don’t speak loudly

-       Always come in school uniform

-       Cut your hair regularly

-       Don’t bite your nails

-       Keep yourself clean and good

-       Pay attention to me

-       Make your group

-       Go in a line

-       Form a line

-       Be disciplined in the class

-       Make the queue

-       Head down

-       Keep fingers on your lips

-       Fold your hands properly

-       Hands up

-       Hands down

-       Stand properly

-       Don’t fight in the classroom

-       Help one another

-       Do your homework on time

-      Hand over this register to……

-       Please go out

-       Understand it

-       Call your parents next time


You can add your instructions to your list. Use them regularly.


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