Letter to my childhood friends

After many years , I met my childhood friends Chandrakant and Nivruti last week in Jalgaon. Actually we were studying together at primary school Dharangaon , district Jalgaon. It was very special visit for me. So I acknowledge them and their caring nature. As they took care  and made my stay comfortable in Jalgaon.

Dear Chandrakant and Nivruti
With the lord’s blessing I came across you and your family. It looked like Sudama was meeting to his friend when I met you and Nivruti. At that time our friendship was revived and came closer. Perhaps it was the God’s wish to bring us together after long time and turned out the memorable meeting. However I always kept the view that I might have done some virtual work in my previous life, so I got you and your family darshan including Nivruti. Our meeting took me into the past and wove lots of relation between us. The way you were in touch with me and got information of my visit where I was supposed to come. All these made me happy and excited. Therefore I am immensely thankful to you and Nivruti. Thank you Chandu…..
  Dear Chandu, I became pleased when you took me at your home along with Nivruti. And your family welcomed at the doorstep that was unforgettable. Further your parents, whom I already knew, started talking with me as if the two dried rivers met after many years journey. Your father, to whom I addressed him lovingly ‘Baba’, brought a series of childhood memories before me. At a time I kept listening to him and he was talking with love feeling. It seemed to me that I had blood relation with your family. It was so emotional moment of my life that I could lose myself in that meeting. That scene reinforced me to recall the days of our childhood. For creating such sensitive moment, thank you and your family ………………
Dear, again I saw my happiness lingering around me when your whole family members kept focus upon me. Even including your mother,’Aaji’ and Vahini were eager to know the days of our childhood and how we spent the life together. At that time, frankly speaking, I was dived totally in the pool of love feeling as well as lost memories. The way Aaji was talking with me that made me attached with words and she showered love upon me. I thought of myself being a backbone of your family. Maybe I was indeed lucky person to have you and your family in my life. For bringing such love feeling, Thank you Chandu …………
Dear Chandu, then we had lemon water and your son ‘Om’ captured us on the camera. Along with these Vahini kept asking me lovingly about our childhood. The most I liked when Baba, ‘Your father’, told that he knew the childhood haridas and his image. Really I was fortunate to have such childhood friends like you and Nivruti. Then Nivruti dropped me at the marriage function. Once again I extend my thankfulness to the Almighty who brought us together. Being a part of my life, thank you and Nivruti ………. ………..   
 Dear, further the following day you were busy at workplace, yet you spared the time and called your brother ‘Pappu Bhau’. At that time you informed him about me.  That was one of your good qualities to make other’s life happy and pleasure which I observed. Because of your efforts, I had good darshan of Pappu Bhau and your sister ‘Tai’. They communicated with me as if I was their close friend . They both lovingly and happily asked me about my life. That was really amazing moment of my life. Dear, it happened because of you only. Thank you …………..
Dear, in the evening Nivruti and you both kept me engaged so that I couldn’t feel alone. Both of you spared the valuable time for me. It was quite memorable day for me. Later on we were at Nivruti’s shop and discussing general things. There Pappu Bhau was talking with me emotionally. He further asked me what I had been doing and where I had been working. He showed his loving nature by asking me about my relatives and family. Here I was very thankful to you for creating such loving atmosphere. Slowly you took me at your office and narrated your professional journey. You mentioned the story of the pharma shop, the partnership, and future possibility. You revealed everything to me. You humbly shared journey of your career with me. I liked your sharing. In my view, the sharing with others humbly would be one of your finest qualities. I hope that you will continue with this quality. Simultaneously I pray to the Lord to bless you. Best of luck to you Chandu…………
Dear Chandu, you brought me at your home in the evening and again I had the darshan of your whole family. I saw that Baba became very glad when he started talking with me. Even Vahini pleaded me to have the dinner of Sev curry. All these show that your family is loving, caring, and modest one. After that, I got myself fresh up and you accompanied me all the time. Further you continued to convince me about taking dinner and also gifted me a diary by referring me as the writer. At that moment I could not articulate my happiness and how much I was happy. Then we had tea together and you son ‘Om’ hurried to meet me at the last moment. Though he was outside, yet you called him. It shows that seeing off the person is a symbol of love and care of your family. Lastly Aaji became emotional with me by sharing the past life of Baba who had strived a lot in his life with my maternal uncle. That was a precious moment of my life as I realized the hope and dream of Aaji. Sometime we have to carry such feeling and love in order to live good life. At that time the scene at your home was the perfect example of that. Further it enables us to live longer, healthier, and stronger. At that time I didn’t find words to admire you and your family, but I could simply say thanks. Then you both came forward to drop me at the highway. Today sparing the time for others is really difficult, but you both spared it for me. Automatically the love feeling cropped up the mind that you are indeed my best friends. Being my best friends, thank you Chandu and Nivruti ………..
With the Almighty’s blessing, I found my childhood friends as the person finds a pearl in the sea. I am looking forward to having again the darshan of you all. I pray to the God with love feeling to shower everything upon you and your family. I hope that our incessant relation will be forever. Thank you, your family, and Nivruti………..
 Until next time, be happy, be free, and always remember, “I love you all!”
Thank you all……………..
With lots of love and gossiping!
Naturally yours
Haridas Patil


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