
Showing posts from August, 2020

Money Speaks................!

  Money speaks………….! Everyone believes in doctor, their service and humanity towards the society. It should be remembered and known it as service to God. During this hopeless lockdown and pandemic, the doctors seem to be different to us, either kind or cruel. Father of one of my students was admitted at a hospital near his residence. He came from a middle family having three brothers as the teachers. All of them faced salary issue at school, so two of them started working in another sector. But they still had the same matter over there. So they decided to struggle thereby sticking with the job for family and living. Then their father was having a viral infection and admitted at a hospital near the home. It was hardly four to the five-minute distance between hospital and house. Initially, they observed that the reception asked for advance and pressurized them. They deposited it immediately, but came to know that the doctor treated their father in the daytime. In th

The first day the new teacher never forgot.

  The first day the new teacher never forgot. Once a new teacher was appointed at a village school. It was the first day of his duty. So he decided to go by bus. He occupied his seat in the bus, at a time the bus conductor issued a ticket to the teacher. He returned remaining money to him and went ahead. Then the teacher checked money and found that he received extra ten rupees by mistake. He saw the conductor being busy in issuing the tickets to other passengers. He was in dilemma whether he had to return it or not. He was thinking of it while travelling to the village school. After some time, on looking at the bus conductor, he again found that he was still busy in his work. On the other hand, he was in deep thought either to return or keep it. Further, his mind cropped up greed for ten rupees. By that time, his destination came. Therefore he got up at the place and walked towards the door. Simultaneously he kept thinking about ten rupees. But his hand suddenly took it out and

Global environment issue but the solution at locally

  Global environment issue but the solution at locally Some days ago, there was a downpour in the city and everywhere was a flood. Our society having small lanes which also flooded with the rainwater. It rained the whole night and early morning all society housewives gathered. They started arguing with one another. They blamed one another for throwing plastics and kitchen kinds of stuff on the road. Due to it, the rainwater filled in the street and it was a case of waterlogged.  The housewives began to play a role of blame and found fault with one another. Interestingly, they came to know the reason for it and indirectly took promise about not throwing plastics and kitchen pieces of stuff anywhere. Later on, some of them cleared the waterlogged by collecting the garbage and throwing into the dustbins. At least they had a sense of the serious issue of the environment. It was a positive end of their argument. Then they started to keep a watch on others and decided that they would

The lost child and his education

 The lost child and his education We know the corona virus and post lockdown impacted upon everybody including the school-going children. I came across a boy 14 years old studying in 8th class at government school. But due to lockdown and in the name of online teaching, he dropped it and supported his father who had been as a vendor for many years.  On the set, he was with his father at the market and soon he got a separate lorry to sell the vegetables. Then he became a full-time vendor and sought after by the family for money.  By and by he forgot the school syllabus instead of the family’s greed. He has involved in family problems and the earning little money occupied his mind. Further, the family became happy with his daily earning and visualized the stabilized future. Everything looked fine and fit for him and the father. On the other hand, his school teachers were busy to run after the survey assigned by govt.  One day one of his teachers dropped in there and noticed him. He sudde


  Mask Today life without a mask is difficult. They put a notice everywhere, On door or wall or signboard, No mask no entry, Without it, you can’t enter. A man thinks living without it is hard, Make it a part and parcel of life. He wears it all-time at outside and home too. One day, his son asks mother early morning Who is this man wearing cloth on the face? On hearing she is embarrassed, and immediately remove it from husband’s face. But he retorted her no mask no living! The question before them a mask or life important. What is important? As they say no mask no entry. Only mask.

Feed the belly is a serious question

  Feed the belly is a serious question. Coronavirus and lockdown forced the people not only migrated their resident but also a job. That impact is seen everywhere except the govt employees. A lady teacher, who was once working at a private school, opted out of it due to salary pending for a long time. Unfortunately, her hubby was too jobless.   She then found a place to sell her skills. That was a temple where she placed a small stall of flowers and coconuts to sell in the sake of feeding the family. But she didn’t know what consequence would be coming in her startup. As soon as she set up it, other stall keepers raised an eyebrow at her and asked why she was ruining their business. Slowly the heat arguments started and reached to the devotees and administrator of the temple. They intervened and tried all stall keepers to cool down. Still, they were not ready to let her as a newcomer. Then the priest convinced them that God would take care of everybody’s belly. So they didn’t need

Worth learning through the troubled of Corona, rain and the Khaki

 Worth learning through the troubled of Corona, rain and the Khaki  At this stage, we all are tired either virus or constant rain or even the khaki means police. They all, at the same time, collapse into our daily lives and keep us on the toes. That’s why every one of us feels that we are indeed harassed by these social factors. On the other hand, we struggle with the concept of self-dependent or sustaining. We are unclear about what it is and looking for a job which is lessened due to these troubling factors. Directly and indirectly, we are being taught by these: are about self-disciplined, be ownership, taking initiative, go out of the box and dare to accept the challenges. That is a learning for us, but we are somewhere to blame either the Govt or other aspect like china.    If they are taken seriously for our learning, we would be exposed to a pack of teachings. Firstly, we are taught to be live discipline in every area. Secondly, we are compelled to invent something new. Thirdly,

Will do anything to live life.

  Will do anything to live life. Since the last three days, it has been raining heavily in the city. So very few people could go outside if urgent work. However, I went outside when being quite bored at home for two days with my friends despite raining and flooded in some part of the areas. We all friends kept waiting for the rain to stop, but it wasn’t. Therefore, we stood outside my friend’s house. At a moment, a man was on a bike with the heavy bag dangling on his back and was inquiring about the address to some people. He asked three people to whereabouts the address. On looking at him, I recognized him as a delivery boy from Swiggy. He was completely wet but passionate to know the delivery place. On the contrary, he was worried to deliver the food order on the time.   A man, who was standing nearby, commented on him why he was doing it despite heavy drenched in the area. I also had the same point of view in my mind. But his needs for living life and family could not stop him

Not age and education matter, but commitment and passion.

 “Not age and education matter, but commitment and passion”. Some time ago, I was supposed to meet a teacher at slum area, where the people lived either rented or own pucca house from every walk of life, reaching there at 7 o clock. On reaching, I parked my bike and waited for him. At a moment, I saw a man who was slender, frail, around 70 years old, thick speck and short. He had a cycle with three sacks full of coconut to sell in the area, which had very small and narrow lanes, shouting in Hindi styled selling on 10 rupees. Easily he got the customer in the morning. Some of them became his daily customers. Somehow he was seen to carry the load of his cycle. But he was looked passionate and committed. On asking him about why he had been doing that odd job despite old age. He shot at me that he had been doing that work since when he was a young man. Further, he would start it early morning at 6 o clock. I came to know that he sold those coconuts up to 1 o clock and afterwards he got bac

Power of belief

  Power of  belief    In town, a grocer was very rich and greedy. He was earning money in the wrong ways by selling the objects on high rates. One day he lost a ‘Rudraksh’, as it was gifted by his guru and known as money attracter. He was mentioned by his guru that it would bring wealth and prosperity. In the course of life, he got the realization that it was indeed lucky to me. So the grocer automatically worried over the loss of it. He tried to find it here and there. But it was fruitless and meaningless.  He was tired and disappointed. Further, it happened that his shop didn’t run properly, and somewhat his earning stopped. He believed that he lost his gifted Rudraksh. The same way his wealth and prosperity would be lost. It became firm in his mind that he was going to lose whatever he earned. So he was looking depressed and gloomy.  Day by day he became poor and miserable. His shop became just like an empty place. So he didn’t take interest to run it properly. Then one of his frien

A milestone of my career

A milestone of my career. Started writing my blog in 2017 and continued up to now. I have penned down around 300 blogs including articles, story and personal note etc. During this journey, I learnt a lot and did the mistake too. Sometimes I felt very boring to work upon it but carried somehow it.  What was my learning? 1.     I learnt to build a positive mindset and accept the challenges. 2.     I tried to look beyond the day to day work. 3.     I found my purpose and mission along with happiness. 4.     I came across good stories while writing them and I became envisioned. 5.     I found creativity, innovative and passion in me. 6.     I learnt that I will have a bright career if I continue to work upon it. 7.     I learnt to keep daily workout for me and correct whatever mistakes. What was my mistake? 1.     I didn’t keep serious thought and opinion on title.  2.     I didn’t use proper hashtags on blogs accordingly the article and title. 3.     Sometimes I

Youth Express

Winged Fables Prit Khandor, born and brought up in Kutch Rapar is well-known as the ‘Youth Express’. Having completed his engineering, he took a job in a corporate and also prepared to get into a government job, but soon decided to answer his inner calling to pursue a different desire. He kept looking for practical ideas for innovation. He helped his younger brother establish his company meanwhile, he founded YOUTH EXPRESS. He designed six modules for the students of schools and colleges namely, super speaker, super career, super leader, super child, super teacher, and super interview. He visits educational institutions across the city and conducts seminars and workshops for the students free of cost regularly. He was featured in the article ‘Ek School Aisi Bhi’ in a local Gujarati Newspaper of Surat. He envisioned creating a game-based syllabus for the children to learn and study the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Students associated with his mission can express themselves confiden

The only mother can play her role not anybody

The only mother can play her role not anybody Last week my mother was admitted at kidney hospital. Having a problem of stomach pain and, later on, was immediately admitted to removing a stone of 12 mm. Every one of my family was put into tension. But I found that mother was taking tension of everything and everyone in the family instead of herself.   On the day of admitting, she kept inquiring me whether our new room family has been settled or any problem has arisen. I tried to convince her not to pay attention to such a matter. Again she asked my younger brother about other things of the family. Whether my both sisters have been brought on the occasion of ‘Rakshabandhan.’ Later on, she was asking us about money whether it was arranged. We were worried about her operation but she kept herself engaged about the family and its issues. On that day, I got the realization that the role of her life is very hard to play. No one can play it but she only can do and fit for it. We men alwa

Auto-rickshaw drivers driving out social problems

Winged Fables h t S l h r e d Auto-rickshaw drivers driving out social problems Prashant Patil and Yogesh Patil studied together up to the eight class. Prashant had to drop out due to the financial crisis at the age of 14 and started to work as an auto-rickshaw driver for sustenance, while his friend Yogesh Patil continued to study. One day, Prashant happened to discuss with Yogesh about the day to day struggles of the widows, senior citizens, handicapped and blind and they decided to reach out to them. The first step was to put up a notice in Prashant's autorickshaw for all the passengers to make them aware of this initiative. Gradually, they started to extend help to all those who approached them. They played a significant role in helping the Surat flood victims in 2006. The duo jointly established an organization under the objectives of ‘service, religion, employment.’ They established an NGO called ‘Su –Samaj Kalyankari Sewabhavi Trust (सु-समाज कल्याणकारी सेवाभावी ट्रस्ट) in 20

Made for each other

Made for each other Once two close friends, Dinu and Ramu, were going to another village. So they decided to start their journey very early. It was far away. While going to that village, they were passing through the vast wood. However, they didn’t fear of any wild animals. As soon as they came out of the wood, they met the river on their journey. On seeing it, they realized that they had to cross it to reach the village. But both of them didn’t know swimming. They looked at each other and thought for a while. Then Dinu pleaded Ramu that he would carry him on his shoulder. So he didn’t want to take tension. But Ramu got angry and said that he would carry him. On the other hand, Dinu was not ready to accept his request.   Because the river was very deep. If any of both carried other, it was sure that he would drown in it. So both of them started arguing for carrying other.   Again Dinu advised to Ramu how he would answer his parents if anything happened to him. Similarly, Ramu ask