A milestone of my career

A milestone of my career.

Started writing my blog in 2017 and continued up to now. I have penned down around 300 blogs including articles, story and personal note etc. During this journey, I learnt a lot and did the mistake too. Sometimes I felt very boring to work upon it but carried somehow it. 

What was my learning?

1.    I learnt to build a positive mindset and accept the challenges.

2.    I tried to look beyond the day to day work.

3.    I found my purpose and mission along with happiness.

4.    I came across good stories while writing them and I became envisioned.

5.    I found creativity, innovative and passion in me.

6.    I learnt that I will have a bright career if I continue to work upon it.

7.    I learnt to keep daily workout for me and correct whatever mistakes.

What was my mistake?

1.    I didn’t keep serious thought and opinion on title. 

2.    I didn’t use proper hashtags on blogs accordingly the article and title.

3.    Sometimes I posted my writing on the blog without giving much thought to it.

4.    I failed to write constantly and took a break for a week.

5.    I didn’t ask for any feedback to my near and dear ones.

6.    I didn’t keep asking objectives before writing it. Some time it was an unclear picture for me.

7.    I indulged in feeling proud about it instead of checking whether it met to expected target. 

 So far I have come to this stage and hope that I will have some challenging task with constructive and meaningful learning.


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