Simple thoughts by Me-4


1) Coming out of every day’s thought is necessary to go ahead in life.

2) Life is played between perception and reaction by us. If these two aspects are controlled, life will become the heaven for all.

3) Speak better for others, it will return in your life with full interest.

4) Everything of life is a gift of God. So it must be used with full vigour and gratefulness. 

5) Education means that we have to be mature in life.

6) Whenever you have a sense of commitment, think that you will have coming great opportunities.

7) Write every day is a telling story to self.

8) Power is within you. That is your thought, decision, action and mindset.

9) Spend your every day as if you have everything. That is the beginning of your successful journey.

10) Not fear of anyone or anything but yourself and your mind. Because they are the creator of your success story.

11) Your decisions are your best friend in your journey.

12) Doubts are created by the mind, so clears your mind with full assurance.

13) Everyday writing enables you to live life happily and contentedly.

14) Don’t waste your happiness on others. As they don’t understand your efforts for earning it.

15) Each of your thought and action is a credit to your future success.

16) Your best friends are the gift of God. Because they are in life for your goodness.

17) Your duties are your ideals and keep them forever. Consequently, you will get what you decide.

18) Don’t say what you have done for others, but share what others have done for you. That is the sign of your goodness.

By Haridas Patil

(Blogger, Educator and Trainer)


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